I think mine is Kester 282, it says 4% silver and 96% Sn (Tin). From their website:
Kester 282 mildly activated rosin flux core consists of high quality Grade WW rosin to which a very small amount of an extremely effective activating agent has been incorporated.
Kester 282 rosin-cored solder has been developed for use in the electronics industry where a more active flux than plain rosin is required but where highly activated fluxes are considered potentially conductive. Rosin core 282 has particular application where difficult assemblies are to be soldered but the flux residue must be electrically inert.
Kester 282 rosin-core provides a greatly increased fluxing ability. However, the residue is nearly as electrically inert as plain, unactivated rosin flux. The low conductivity results from a negligible amount of ionic residue. The low ionic content in the flux is shown by the very high water extract resistivity. The rosin residue is non-corrosive, moisture and fungus resistant, and non-conductive.
Here is what they say about Kester 48:
Kester 48 Activated Rosin Flux for cored solder wire was developed for lead-free applications to enable soldering of most common metals. Kester 48 has performance characteristics far exceeding standard RA fluxes. Kester 48 builds on the performance of its predecessor Kester 44 with “instant-action” wetting to provide fast and reliable solder joints.
The 48 residues are non-conductive, non-corrosive and do not require removal in most applications. The flux residues are comparable to a conventional RA.