I picked mine up yesterday and a fine one it is too! There was no blue filter included but no worries, consider the extra 2 bucks I sent a tip - just don't spend it all in one place.
Damn, I sent Ron a pm, I thought it was him who didn't get a filter. I'll send one Monday. The wife said she had forgot a filter in one envelope but didn't remember which. We got ya covered
Damn, I sent Ron a pm, I thought it was him who didn't get a filter. I'll send one Monday. The wife said she had forgot a filter in one envelope but didn't remember which. We got ya covered
Actually, don't worry about it unless you want to mail it to my address in Surrey, BC. It's a 2 hour round trip to Package Express in Sumas, WA and they charge a $2.50 per package fee.
If mailing it to my home address is an option, let me know and I'll the address in a PM.
Oh well, I can visit my favorite butcher shop in Abbotsford (BC) on the way home. They make incredible double smoked farmer sausage and bacon. I've been craving a good perogy feed for a while.
Looks nice Fred, I just built a new left side N getting ready to install it. Hope you like the inserts. Mine looked awesome all put together. I polished my meters and painted the bezels. A lot of elbow grease.