Nobody has used them for a long time Lee so any technology development died quite a while ago. Probably the best contender is the LM3915 and that is a lousy chip too. No really good options out there.
Hi,I'm just fooling around with some 10 LED BARGRAPHS which I found on ebay. One of my Phase Linear friends asked me to renovate an older Phase Linear. Because the LED's didn't work like it was when new I searched on the internet for replacement. I didn't find any originals because their bars of 12 LED's (3 bars), so I put 4 of 10 (some aren't) connected (and isolated from the PCB). If you look very good to the movie, the right VU meter has for the last segment (about 100 Watt till clipping) a red bar.If you are handy and know the basics of electronics, it is quit easy to pimp your Phase Linear. It is not a kit - it was just done for fun after the asked me. I think it will look alse very nice with white LED's
That worked Lee!
I could not get opened in eBay I guess
Next week I will measure them for fit When I get home.
i would build a couple if it looks good to work spec wise.
the array should be able to be cut to make 36 units or we could mix Colors like for clipping. These guys have other colors.
That worked Lee!
I could not get opened in eBay I guess
Next week I will measure them for fit When I get home.
i would build a couple if it looks good to work spec wise.
the array should be able to be cut to make 36 units or we could mix Colors like for clipping. These guys have other colors.