I prefer head shells with long lifts or flexible ones so I can get ahold and put it down carefully if I have to. I did a lot of backcueing to go back 1 revolution and make as clean of a start as I could because there was no editing software in the 80s and I always taped, especially my new singles that I put in compilation tapes one after the other as soon as I got them. I prided myself in having recordings that were as free of empty groove noise and sounded as close to factory cassette dubs as I could possibly manage with a clearance $120 direct drive Realistic Lab/Technics clone.
I took the tapes with my when I had my first Panasonic Stereo To Go and other portables, right through 2006 with my cars. I never got through much more than a C90 or so before the Panansonic had eaten the batteries though...it had chrome and metal EQ at least but it was really a press recorder chassis they fitted for stereo playback, we're talking 1982 and as such it was quite durable.