George you raised some good question such as if both 50k and 100k are turned to lowest resistance how could they be different in output or affect impedance. Now I have measured many pots and at minimum setting they vary and do show resistance and sometimes up to 100 ohms. New Bourne pots are good but they still have somimes 10-20 ohms on the average. I eliminate the high pass filter now and use the switch to other use the volume pots or bypass these pots on the 700’s. The 40 never had a high pass filter and with DCP protection not really needed on the amp input, as these amps were originally designed to be DC servo dive controls. Adding a bypass switch to the back of the 400 is easy although tight fit. A micro toggle is best.
now your statement about you liking the 50k over the 100k is that because of what? Do they sound different, does one put out more current (less resistance) or because one is better built. Just want to fully understand what you are saying.I also need to understand what Joe is saying about increasing impedance with the 50k and dropping impedance with the 100k and does that change over different pot positions ( effective resistance) as you turn them up ( lower resistance). That said if you move both pots have say 10k resistance is the effect on impedance the same or is it different for some reason I do not understand yet.
George I run all my amps at home with volume pots bypassed. That sounds best to me.
I just measured my Bourns pots at minimum DC resistance (maximum pass through) with my Fluke 77 just for fun. This is what I found:
50K Pots
3.9 Ohms, 4.5 Ohms, 4.8 Ohms, 4.9 Ohms, 5.1 Ohms, and 5.5 Ohms
100K Pots
3.5 Ohms, 3.7 Ohms, 3.7 Ohms, 3.8 Ohms, 3.8 Ohms, 3.9 Ohms, 3.9 Ohms, 4.2 Ohms, 4.3 Ohms, 4.4 Ohms, 4.4 Ohms, 4.4 Ohms, 4.4 Ohms, 4.6 Ohms, 4.7 Ohms, 4.9 Ohms, 5.1 Ohms, 5.3 Ohms, 5.6 Ohms, 5.8 Ohms.
The takeaways - more variation than I thought, but it was the same for 50K vs 100K. Bourns ships their pots fully CW (maximum pass through) are they trying to tell us something?!
Joe is right that the attenuation pots cause nothing but degradation to the sound. However, as an experimenter who constantly changes cables, sources, inputs, etc. I like to be able to attenuate the volume and bring it up slowly after I change something. I have plugged a "hot" input to a PL700B channel at full volume... The JBL Professional speakers took the 400 Watts in stride, but my ears did not.
For normal listening, the amplifier attenuators go fully CW and the musical power is controlled by the PL2000 volume control. I have experimented and found the sound is better with the amp full and the preamp low. With the amp low and the preamp turned up full, the sound is muddy and flat. A little.