Phase Linear (Magazine Reviews, Articles, Etc.)


Chief Journeyman
Sep 8, 2012
VU Meter (Wikipedia)

Dean referred someone to me a couple weeks ago who has some issues with some Dixson VU meters used in a 700B. I suggested he contact Larsen Metercraft for repair (as they were the only company I was aware of 18 years ago that advertised meter repairs) and get back to me. Tonight he called me back. They currently have (2) meters. Apparently they are trying to baseline at least one of them which they believe may be a 1mA full scale meter as opposed to a true VU meter. They have never seen another meter like this one. They have heard of Phase Linear before but not seen any VU meters used in Phase Linear amps.

I gave my original Dixson catalog to Dean years ago and only kept a copy of the page with the 520T on it. I went searching for my copy of the Dixson 520T spec sheet in some of my boxes and back-up hard drive to no avail. I will keep trying. Hence all my recent posts on VU meters used in Phase Linear amps.

As I am trying to determine which Phase Linear VU meters were true VU meters and which ones were simply 1mA full scale meters....
I am including this reference:
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Chief Journeyman
Sep 8, 2012
Midland 23-721 VU Meters (used in early Phase Linear 400 Series 1 Amps)

Here are some scans taken from 1974(?) Midland International catalog(s).

NOTE: As some of you may recall, I have stated previously that the Midland VU meters had to be one of the most unreliable VU meters Phase Linear ever used.

Credit shall be given to the following web site:



Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 17, 2011
Here are some scans taken from 1974(?) Midland International catalog(s).

NOTE: As some of you may recall, I have stated previously that the Midland VU meters had to be one of the most unreliable VU meters Phase Linear ever used.

Credit shall be given to the following web site:
I love stuff like this. Very cool.

Thanks for posting it up.


Chief Journeyman
Sep 8, 2012
Here are some scans taken from 1974(?) Midland International catalog(s).

NOTE: As some of you may recall, I have stated previously that the Midland VU meters had to be one of the most unreliable VU meters Phase Linear ever used.

Credit shall be given to the following web site:

Did you all notice the frequency range: 30-7,500 Hz. Not quite up to the ".5 dB between 25 Hz to 16 kHz" I might expect.


Chief Journeyman
Sep 8, 2012
Phase Linear Service Bulletins (Subject: Output Transistors)

Here are some service bulletins which you may not find in your 400, 700 and D-500 service manuals concerning output transistors. I purchased a Phase Linear binder a year ago which included the service bulletins which neither Dean nor I had.

By the way, there is an interesting story Robin Gudgel told me years ago about the TP9054's which were stamped 126-0073 as mentioned in the service bulletin. (Robin was a former Phase Linear employee who left to form Spectro Acoustics.) If my memory serves me correct, Robin mentioned that Phase Linear had "loaned" Spectro Acoustics some quantity of MJ15024's (during a shortage they had). When the Spectro Acoustics shipment from Motorola finally came in they rubbed the Spectro Acoustics model number from the transistors off. Spectro Acoustics then used a rubber ink stamp and stamped 126-0073 on the transistors and forwarded them on to Phase Linear. I have approximately (15) of the rubber stamped 126-0073 transistors and now the documentation to tie the story altogether.

The second service bulletin talks about use of RCA1B05's and XPL910's which they had used in the past year (that is before 9/22/77 when the bulletin was issued). The bulletin states that they no longer stock these transistors. I seem to recall Dean telling me that the reason Phase Linear stopped using the RCA1B05's was because they did not current share well.



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Chief Journeyman
Sep 8, 2012
The items noted below in bold and underlined are yet to be obtained and loaded. If any of you out there have a copy, please let me know.

All others have been loaded.

Audio magazine June 1971, starts on page 57 (Phase Linear 700)
Audio magazine February 1972, starts on page 24 (A 700-Watt Amplifier Design written by Bob Carver)
Audio magazine May 1972 see pages 16&18 "Dear Editor"(Dan Meyer's comments & Bob Carver's response)
Audio magazine February 1973, starts on page 56 (Phase Linear 400 Amplifier)
Audio magazine April 1975 see pages 14,16, 20 "Behind The Scenes" (Phase Linear 4000 Preamplifier)
Audio magazine November 1975 starts on page 58 (Phase Linear 4000 Preamplifier) AS SEEN IN AUDIO reprint is also included in separate post.
Audio magazine September 1976, starts on page 56 (Phase Linear 2000)
Audio magazine January 1979, starts on page 76 (Phase Linear Model 3000, Series II Preamplifier)
Audio magazine November 1980, starts on page 40 (Phase Linear 8000 II)
Audio magazine August 1981 pg 36, October 1981 Addenda Pioneer F-9 Tuner (a.k.a. Phase Linear T5200)
Audio magazine December 1981, starts on page 52 (Phase Linear 1100 II)
Audio magazine December 1981, starts on page 56 ("Phase Linear Model 1200 Series Two RTA")
Audio magazine June 1983, starts on page 76 (Phase Linear 9500 CD player)
Audio magazine September 1983, starts on page 64 ("Phase Linear DRS 900 Power Amplifier")
Audio magazine February 1999 starts on page 40 "Amplifier Ace Bob Carver Tells All" "Bob Carver the Boy Wonder...all grown up"

The Audio Adventure Vol 3 Issue 6 July 1996 "Bobby's World Robert Carver and the Sunfire Amplifier
(Tomart Publishing Inc, Tom Miller Editor 1-800-566-6617 P.O. Box 15256 Chevy Chase, MD 15256 (301)588-6870)

AudioXpress October 2011 starts on page 26 (Upgrading the Phase Linear 200)
AudioXpress November 2011 starts on page 36 (Phase Linear 400 Amp Upgrade)

Australian Hi-Fi Volume 10 No. 8 August 1979 (Phase Linear 3000 Series II)
Australian Hi-Fi Stereo Buyers Guide No 8 1979 (Phase Linear 3000 Series II & 700 Series II )

Boston Audio Society January 1974 Bob Carver visits BAS and demonstrates the Phase Linear 4000 Preamplifier pgs 2-4
Boston Audio Society July 1974 Editorial comments on the Phase Linear 4000, BAS Test Report: The Phase Linear 4000 Preamplifier by Alvin Foster
Boston Audio Society November 1974 A Comparison of the Dynaco 400, Marantz 500, and Phase Linear 700 pgs 3, 4

Boston Audio Society May 1978 see page 10 (Carver Bought Out)
Boston Audio Society August 1978 Carver and Phase Linear Revisited pg 7
Boston Audio Society Oct-Nov 1979 see pages 13-8 ("An Amplifier Design Controversy" see Leon Kuby's comments and Terry Pennington's response)
Boston Audio Society June/July 1982 "The Phase Linear 8000 and Linn Sondek Compared" pgs 40-43

Consumer Guide Stereo & Tape Equipment Summer 1976, Volume 120 (Phase Linear 2000)
Consumer Guide Stereo & Tape Equipment Fall 1977, Volume 163 (Phase Linear 5000)
Consumer Guide Stereo & Tape Equipment Winter 1977, Volume 177 (Phase Linear 700B)
Consumer Guide Stereo & Tape Equipment Dec 1978, Volume 211 (Phase Linear 6000)
Consumer Guide Stereo & Tape Equipment June 1980, Volume 275 (Phase Linear 7000)
Consumer Guide Stereo & Tape Equipment Aug 1980, Volume 282 (Phase Linear 8000 Series Two)
Consumer Guide Stereo & Tape Equipment Winter 1980, starts on pg 88 (Phase Linear 3000)

Electrical Engineering Times (EE Times) Sept 23, 1974 "Rating audio equipment"....Phase Linear 700B

Electronics Australia April 1984 pgs 38, 39, 41 (Phase Linear 9500 Compact Disc Player)

Electronics Today International (UK edition) (September 1972) (Vol 1 No 6?)(Phase Linear 700) starts on page 56
Electronics Today International (UK edition) (November 1972) (Vol 1 No 8?)(Bob Carver response to September 1972 review) starts on page 60
"DESIGNING A 700 WATT AMPLIFIER, Seven hundred watts for domestic listening - Phase Linear explains why"

FM Guide March 1975 (Phase Linear 4000 or 1000?)
NOTE: originally "Toronto FM Guide", then "The FM Guide". Published in Toronto, ON Canada. This was a monthly magazine 1971-1983. Purchased in 1979 by Andrew Marshall and became Audio Ideas Guide.
OR: FM Guide (New York)

Hi-Fi Newsletter Volume 2 Number 6 1972 "Battle of the Giants Phase Linear Model 700 Versus Crown DC-300"

Hi_Fi News and Record Review July 1981 Pioneer PL-L1000 (a.k.a. Phase Linear 8000)

Hi-Fi Report (Germany?) 1975 Phase Linear 700B

Hi-Fi Stereo Buyer's Guide September-October 1979 see page 69,70 (Phase Linear 4000 Series Two Preamplifier)

HiFi Stereophonie(Germany) 10/79 Phase Linear 700, Phase Linear 3000
HiFi Stereophonie Testjahrbuch 80/81 Phase Linear 700 Series II, Phase Linear 3000 Series II starts on page 70
(NOTE: Same as 10/79)
Hi-Fi Stereophonie July 1981 Pioneer F-9 Tuner (a.k.a Phase Linear T5200)

Hi-Fi World Spring 1974 (Phase Linear 400) (originally published in The Hi-Fi Newsletter)

High Fidelity May 1972 (Phase Linear 700 Amplifier) "730 Honest Watts from Amp" / "Phase Linear's Blockbuster 700"
High Fidelity April 1976 (Phase Linear 2000 Preamp) The "Phase 2000"-A Solid Preamp with Some Surprises
High Fidelity December 1976 (Phase Linear 200 Amplifier) Phase Linear's "Son Of Superamp"
High Fidelity June 1977 (Phase Linear Phase III Speakers) "Phase Linear's Master Illusionist"
High Fidelity November 1978 (Phase Linear 400 II Amplifier) "A Muscle Amp In Formal Dress"
High Fidelity January 1980 (Phase Linear 5100 Series II Tuner" "Supertuner for a Medium Price"
High Fidelity May 1980 (Phase Linear 8000 II Turntable) "A Suave Tangential"
High Fidelity May 1982 (Phase Linear DRS-250 Integrated Amplifier) Phase "Dynamic Duo" In One Package
High Fidelity October 1988 Vol. 38 No. 10 Sounding Off (Interview with Bob Carver of Carver Corporation) Brockhouse, Gordon

International Audio Review Nos. 1 & 2 "At the end, the editors give explicit instructions for beefing up the Phase Linear 400's power supply, which they claim markedly improves its sound"

Modern Hi-Fi And Music January 1975 ("Phase Linear 4000 Pre-Amplifier")

Modern Recording May 1977 see pages 47 and 48 (Phase Linear 1000)
Modern Recording July 1977 see pages 74 and 75 (Phase Linear Model 1000 Autocorrelator Noise Reduction System)
Modern Recording June 1978 see pages 66-68 (Phase Linear 6000 Audio Delay)
Modern Recording December 1979 see pages 66-69 (Phase Linear 7000 Series Two Cassette Recorder)
Modern Recording November 1980 starts on page 80 (Phase Linear X20 Active Crossover)
Modern Recording November 1981 see pages 64-65 (Phase Linear A60 Power Amplifier)
Modern Recording March 1983 see pages 64-65 (Phase Linear Pro 700 Power Amplifier)

Ovation August 1981 Pioneer F-9 Tuner (a.k.a. Phase Linear T5200)
Ovation December 1981 Phase Linear 220 CX Decoder

Playboy Guide, Electronic Entertainment - Fall 1980 starts on page 43 (Playboy Panel: The Electronic Future (Bob Carver Interview)

Popular Electronics July 1975 see page 56 (Phase Linear Model 4000 Stereo Preamplifier)
Popular Electronics October 1976 see page 76 (Phase Linear Model 200 Basic Power Amplifier)
Popular Electronics December 1977 see page 32 (Phase Linear Model 5000 FM TUner)
Popular Electronics February 1979 see page 48 (Phase Linear 6000 Series Two)
Popular Electronics January 1981 see page 56 (Phase Linear Model 400 Series II)

Popular Mechanics April 1974 ("Those Monster Power Amplifiers" Not Louder But Better by Ivan Berger pgs 133-136)

Popular Science Vol. 216 No. 6 June 1980 "Linear-Track Turntables (Phase Linear 8000) pages 74-76

Radio Electronics June 1976 starts on page 48 ("Radio Electronics Tests Phase Linear Model 2000 Preamp)

Sound Advice Volume 1 Number 1 (1975) "Amplifier Survey" (Phase Linear 400)
Sound Advice Volume 1 Issue 2 Fall 1975 (Phase Linear 4000 review & Phase Linear 400 letter to the editor: Donald Prewett and "Further Thoughts")

Speaker April 1975 letter from Bob Carver

Stereo & Hi-Fi Times pub date unknown (Phase Linear 400)

StereOpus Volume 1 Number 1 Spring 1975 Phase Linear 4000
StereOpus Volume 1 Number 3 (1975) Phase Linear 4000
NOTE: Thomas J. Norton. Originally in Fort Walton Beach, FL. Then Shalimar, FL. Mr. Walton is now the editor of Ultimate AV magazine.

Stereophile Winter (4) 1973/4 (sic) short review of Phase Linear 400, 4000Stereophile Feb 1990 "Bob Carver: Carving a Name for Himself"

Stereo Review April 1972 "Laboratory Tests Of The Super Power Amplifiers" (*Phase Linear 700)
Stereo Review September 1972 Volume 29 Issue #3 ("Phase Linear 400 Power Amplifier") AS SEEN IN - REPRINT
Stereo Review May 1973 (Robert Carver - The Great Distortion Delusion)
Stereo Review November 1974 ("Phase Linear 4000 Stereo Preamplifier")
Stereo Review April 1976 Volume 36 Number 4 (Phase Linear 1000 Noise Reduction)
Stereo Review March 1978 Volume 40 Number 3 (Phase Linear Phase III Speakers)
Stereo Review April 1979 Volume 42 Number 4 ("Phase Linear Model 700 Series Two Power Amplifier")
Stereo Review March 1980 ("Phase Linear 7000 Series Two Cassette Deck")
Stereo Review March 1982 Volume 47 Number 3 ("Phase Linear DRS 900 Power Amplifier")
Stereo Review September 1985 ("The high end: Bob Carver and high end heresy" by Ralph Hodges) see page 200

The Absolute Sound volume 1 number 1 spring 1973 Phase Linear 700 starts on page 22
The Absolute Sound volume 1 number 2 (1973) Phase Linear 700 starts on page 84
The Absolute Sound volume 1 number 4 spring 1974 "Phase Linear 4000 progress report" pg 215
The Absolute Sound volume 2 number 5 fall 1974 "Capsules" "Phase Linear 700B" pg 55
The Absolute Sound volume 2 number 6 “A New Kind of Pre-amp: The Phase Linear 4000” starts on page 134
The Absolute Sound volume 4 number 13 1978 "The Phase Linear 500 Amplifier" pages 52-54
The Absolute Sound volume 5 number 18 june 1980 “Considerations” starts on pg 157 “The Phase Linear Turntable and Straight Line Tracking"
The Absolute Sound volume 5 number 19 september 1980 “Further Thoughts” page 301 ….The Yamaha/Phase Linear turntables
The Absolute Sound second edition issue 30 june of 1983 “Capsules” starts on pg 77 The Phase Linear DRS-900
The Absolute Sound Issue 213 May/June 2011 "The 10 Most Significant Amplifiers of All Time!" (Phase Linear 400/700) starts on page 24
The Absolute Sound Issue 223 May/June 2012 "Amplifier Design Roundtable" "Bob Carver" see pages 54 and 55

The Audio Critic Issue 19 Spring 1993 "Interview with Bob Carver, Manufacturer and Audio Designer" by David Ranada

The Sensible Sound Volume 1 Number 2 (1977) Phase Linear 400 see pages 9 and 10
The Sensible Sound Number 21 Spring 1984 (Phase Linear DRS-250 starts on page 38 & Phase Linear DRS-900 starts on page 44)

Video May 1982 "Phase Linear Noise Reducer" (Phase Linear 1300 Noise Reduction System) see pages 80 and 82

Washington magazine starts on page 114 (pub date ? sometime after 1985) "THE WIZARD OF THE WOOFERS" "Local super soundman Bob Carver discovers "how tweet it is" By Robert Spector

I will update this list as more reviews are found.


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Chief Journeyman
Sep 8, 2012
Phase Linear 700 Owner's Manual (Edmonds Washington Version)

I just picked up a copy of a rare Phase Linear 700 owner's manual printed when Phase Linear was in Edmonds Washington.
I had never seen this version before. I am sharing it with you all.

This version shows the thermal cut out occurs between 80 and 95 degrees Centigrade.

The Performance Verification section starting on page 7 under "Operating Area" has some text that is a bit difference than any other manual I've ever seen. There are other differences that I will leave to you (the reader to find).



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Chief Journeyman
Sep 8, 2012
Phase Linear 700 Owner's Manual (Seattle, Washington Version)

Here is a rare copy of a Phase Linear 700 owner's manual (Seattle, Washington version).

Dean obtained a copy of this manual from Chuck Palmer (a former Phase Linear employee) a number of years ago.
Unfortunately Chuck passed away a little while ago.

There are some interesting differences between this manual and the Edmonds version.

This version shows the thermal cut occurs at 70 degrees Centigrade.



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Chief Journeyman
Sep 8, 2012
Phase Linear 700 (The Absolute Sound Volume 1 Number 2)

Phase Linear 700
See pages 84 and 85.

NOTE: There are also some other comments scattered through this issue about the Phase Linear 700 in other equipment reviews:
1.) Crown DC-300a on pages 62, 63
2.) Hegeman Model One on pages 70, 71
3.) T.A.S.'s "The Reference System" on page 87 under amplifier (also shown is the Crown DC-300a and Citation 12)



Chief Journeyman
Sep 8, 2012


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Veteran and General Yakker
Jan 26, 2014
Ed, the materials you are posting here will be go to reference material for years to come. Thank you! Fred.


Chief Journeyman
Sep 8, 2012
"Phase Linear Model III Loudspeaker" (High Fidelity June 1977)

"Phase Linear Model III Loudspeaker"
"Phase Linear's Master Illusionist"

NOTE: Although High Fidelity lists this as a "Phase Linear Model III Loudspeaker" this may cause some confusion as Phase Linear made a "Andromeda III Loudspeaker" and then a "Phase III Loudspeaker". (There are some differences between the (2) versions.) The cover page shows a "Andromeda III Loudspeaker".



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May 12, 2013
Southwest WA
"Phase Linear Model III Loudspeaker"
"Phase Linear's Master Illusionist"

NOTE: Although High Fidelity lists this as a "Phase Linear Model III Loudspeaker" this may cause some confusion as Phase Linear made a "Andromeda III Loudspeaker" and then a "Phase III Loudspeaker". (There are some differences between the (2) versions.) The cover page shows a "Andromeda III Loudspeaker".

Thanks for posting this. When I first bought my Andromedas, I couldn't find any information about them. Now I just need to find a source for those dispersion cones...