well....got a bit done on the new to me 400....
installed the dcprotect board....
checked a few things....did a bit of cleaning....
prepared for led board install....meter switch wired up and in...
noticed something different....of course i have seen just 6 pl400s on the inside of the chassis...
the driver board just says 14...
no a or b...
did not know that existed....
b- fuse blown....
main power fuse blown....
dbt bright...
this machine has rca 66546 drivers....never seen this either...the service manual shows these drivers on one of the revisions....
and the f 909s....
found two 909s bad....honestly the first pull and the last pull....
there are reddish silicone pads under the transistors....very slick...slippery....
and were tightened so hard....some were cut...but evidently not shorted....
absolutely no sign of the heat sink compound on this machine....
did they build these in that fashion???
all of my other 400s were covered with the white compound....
with all of the transistors removed....no more bright dbtester....
but, will change the sil pads under the drivers....i do have spare f 909s....
all of these seem to be original as the batch numbers match on all transistors...
no signs of mods....or work being done....except the above noted sil pads...
after a bit more investigation.....i will order the cap upgrade from mr. joe...
and see what gives....
maybe this will be a nice unit....for now it is my spare...
thanks for reading....
all advice welcomed....