Oregon campus shooting


Veteran and General Yakker
May 20, 2014
Northeast Illinois
Always learning!
From what I heard conceal and carry was allowed on that campus (might be wrong). Waiting for the day that someone pulls a gun in public and 14 conceal and carry advocates blow him away!!!

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
No guns allowed on campus..
Would it have mattered anyway? Do you think the gunman picked his target because they did not alow guns there? Even if they had allowed conceal and carry how many would have a gun on campus, maybe one in 500?


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
Oh, he HAD them on campus, at his place, parents and family bought him some...the usual 'strange dude, I stayed away but never thought much of it' comments from others in town or at school.

As you guys so rightfully say, a 'gun-free zone' is as good as a restraining order. It only keeps those who would obey it in check.

Fast Forward

Forum Moderator
Staff member
Jun 14, 2010
Chaska Minnesota
My thoughts are more around clip capacity for weapons regardless of what it is. Weapon style makes little difference. Your basic AR-15 caliber (.223) is a sweet little varmint caliber. Assault style or kick ass long range varmint gun makes little difference. I believe the big question centers around just how many bullets you need to have under your trigger finger? After all, I have a 3 shot plug in my automatic shotguns and my hands just not big enough to comfortably wrap around a double stack 9mm. However...... it's fun as hell to empty a big clip in record time!!
As all of you guys who post here frequently know I am A gun owner,and a Conceal carrier. I seldom hunt as a matter of fact Africa was the first time I took an animal in probably 30 years, Now I'd like to Hunt with Lee some day and I'd like to do some Prairie dogs or maybe Ferrel hogs or Boar, and I also admit to owning more Guns and Pistols than an average person would own so what,, I love going to the range on Sunday and killing paper. The point is if You let the Clown and his crew Limit the capacity of how many rounds a firearm should carry you are opening the door to further changes in the second amendment. I believe for personnel protection If my pistol holds 16 rounds as opposed to 8 that gives me 8 more chances to stay alive should I ever have to use it to protect myself and loved ones.I wonder what the number of these types of shooting there were before the Socialist Obama administration came to power. JMTC

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
As all of you guys who post here frequently know I am A gun owner,and a Conceal carrier. I seldom hunt as a matter of fact Africa was the first time I took an animal in probably 30 years, Now I'd like to Hunt with Lee some day and I'd like to do some Prairie dogs or maybe Ferrel hogs or Boar, and I also admit to owning more Guns and Pistols than an average person would own so what,, I love going to the range on Sunday and killing paper. The point is if You let the Clown and his crew Limit the capacity of how many rounds a firearm should carry you are opening the door to further changes in the second amendment. I believe for personnel protection If my pistol holds 16 rounds as opposed to 8 that gives me 8 more chances to stay alive should I ever have to use it to protect myself and loved ones.I wonder what the number of these types of shooting there were before the Socialist Obama administration came to power. JMTC
Great now all we have to worry about is you getting syphilis from one of the Chaska skanks and when it effects your brain you end up going to a St. Bonifacious college and blowing away peeps based on their religions. :toothy5:

Fast Forward

Forum Moderator
Staff member
Jun 14, 2010
Chaska Minnesota
Great now all we have to worry about is you getting syphilis from one of the Chaska skanks and when it effects your brain you end up going to a St. Bonifacious college and blowing away peeps based on their religions. :toothy5:
Political affiliations Maybe but all I'd have to do is go to the first democratic debate or the food stamp/cell phone givaway


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
There were free cellphones for years but people will just loan you theirs to make a call.