Anybody sign up for the last OPPO run of the UDP-205?
Yeah Joe, I also signed up for that months ago. Got the email Wed or Thurs I think. Not really the best time for me to be dropping $1,332.00 (That's with shipping), but their warning of availability through July 4th only did not give me much of a chance to ponder on it.
I suppose I will either be moving the BPD-105 from the main Living room down to the big speaker system with the PL's (replacing a 1990's 6-disc magazine Pioneer CD changer), or find someone with discerning ears that could use the Universal Hi-Fi player. (For a price obviously. Not giving away the farm here).
But here's the big kicker on ME unfortunately............I don't even own a UHD TV yet. I'm just here to rock out to the audiophile reference like sound.