It will be a kit, to start. If its received well, I gat a bunch of boards populated. I just need to verify the P2 Rev PCB. It will have an option for SMT or Thru-hole for the Poly caps. Even careful hand soldering them can easily damage them as I found out. So, the next version I'll use the thru holes for those caps. DigiKey has thousands of each of those, but they are considered "NOT FOR NEW DESIGN" because they will stop production on them. due to surface mount demand is higher for the same values.
The bare board will require the kit builder to separate the 4 boards, as I'm having them made as one file to keep the cost down, I get 4 boards for the price of one that way. There will be hole perforations to cut them apart. you can see that on the board attachment for the main and rear panel PCBs. The connectors will connect the two, as well as the LED display PCB that will be separat, mounted in the side wall, and LED Bargraph PCB on each side of the front panel. Should look Coool. The chassis I chose is Black Steel, with the Silver knobs that you see.
Note: I have two REV P1 PCBs that I will not populate, to spend time on the new Rev-2 Pcb. If anyone wants them. $150 for each blank PCB just to recover initial prototype cost. , a few cuts and jumper wires are needed. I'll include the corrections, Excel parts list and schematic of course If not... the new one will be ready in 90 days or so.