Since you were planning on the backplanes first, that implies Quasi since the stock driver board will not work with backplanes configured for FC.
The WOPL PL14 can do either, and if you order the kit comes with components to do either/or. Also tho.. in ANY case and whichever way you decide to go, I would strongly suggest the main caps first. Being that the old ones can be over 30 or so years old, they most certainly are "ticking time bombs" to borrow a phrase from WoplSniffer.. They could just blow the line fuse when they do finally go, but they also could do a lot worse.
If it were me..
Caps+DCP (the DCP you really REALLY need in there, especially if running stock without any mods preventing latchup i.e. the back to back diodes for C6)
Driver Board (set initially for Quasi)
Backplanes to FC as well as recoverting the PL14 for FC operation.
Outputs? Hmmm.. well you would need to initially populate with NPN's across the board so you'd have to eat that somewhere along the line. I would say sure at stage 2 with the WOPL board in place is where they should come in. Or before if you want to chance it.