I just received a pretty beat up, but working PL400. The board looks a little different than other ones I've seen posted here. I'm curious what might be my best options for upgrades. I listened to the amp already and I definitely like it, but I'm sure there's room for improvement. It's clear that one of the big caps has been replaced, but I'm not sure as to whether all of the smaller caps are original or not--it seems like some of them might be newer.
I'll be studying some of the threads to try and learn as much as I can. But if anyone is willing, please take a look below and let me know if there's anything particular about this unit that might impact my upgrade choices.
I just received a pretty beat up, but working PL400. The board looks a little different than other ones I've seen posted here. I'm curious what might be my best options for upgrades. I listened to the amp already and I definitely like it, but I'm sure there's room for improvement. It's clear that one of the big caps has been replaced, but I'm not sure as to whether all of the smaller caps are original or not--it seems like some of them might be newer.
I'll be studying some of the threads to try and learn as much as I can. But if anyone is willing, please take a look below and let me know if there's anything particular about this unit that might impact my upgrade choices.