There will be resistance building up eventually on those spade connections. Soldering is recommended. I've worked on a lot of amps that leave those spade connections on, but you a solderin MO fo, so ya outta solder em. ...
anyone have any faceplate bolts laying around they want to sell me? i forgot i needed some and the ones at the hardware store have markings in the heads. i may go with allen or phillips head if i cant get the factory bolts...
anyone have any faceplate bolts laying around they want to sell me? i forgot i needed some and the ones at the hardware store have markings in the heads. i may go with allen or phillips head if i cant get the factory bolts...
I had put a set of these draw handles I got off ebay they looked pretty good for $12 now I have a set of Perry's handles on it. but if you go the hardware route allen would look better to me than phillips
so i got this unit finished up on wednesday evening. put it on a dbt, relay made and everything worked well. pulled it off dbt, set bias and checked offset and voltages. i left it on the bench until last night when i brought it in and hooked it up. it immediately blew the 5 amp line fuse. so i pulled it back out and into the garage where i pulled it apart and double checked for wiring issue or to see if something had rubbed. everything looked good. i put it back on the dbt with an new fuse and it fired right up. everything still checks out fine....
is there a chance that the in rush from the larger caps charging took out my fuse? would it be inappropriate to try an 8 amp fuse? any other ideas?
Ha, I did the same thing with my build, AGC was fine in the workshop, once amp was moved to the main system it would blow the fuse on power up. Lee gave me the same advice, a Slow Blow fixed things.
those leds are bright! any way to knock them down a little?
i'm going to move it down to my bottom shelf where my tape deck sits. these were all last night putting it back together and getting it in. no blown fuse this time. i got to quietly listen for a while and it does low volume surprisingly well. i'll get a chance to stretch her legs a little more this evening.
those leds are bright! any way to knock them down a little?
i'm going to move it down to my bottom shelf where my tape deck sits. these were all last night putting it back together and getting it in. no blown fuse this time. i got to quietly listen for a while and it does low volume surprisingly well. i'll get a chance to stretch her legs a little more this evening.