Not exactly. I used the drill bit after I put the heat to them and pulled them out. Many times I had to use it because I could not seem to get all the solder out of the holes with heat alone. I used the bit by hand and turned it backwards to remove whatever solder was left. I most likely was in over my head as I did not know at the time anything at all about a multi-layer boards in home audio equipment. All the stuff I had played with up to that point was single layer. I did use a meter to check for continuity from the part (after soldering in the new part) to the traces surrounding the new part but I could have easily made a mistake there. Eyes and hands ain't what they used to be. The main filter caps were screw in type, well the ones that came out anyhow and the new ones were snap in that I soldered in place but the amp worked for years after I did the power supply board. Only after I re capped the driver boards did I have the lost channel and that was weeks after I did the job. I have no I idea what a PHT is. I am unable to upload images now but I would be happy if you were able to take a look for me.