Ain't seen so many new posts today so I thought I would start a bunch of crap. Here goes. As I read here and there I see a lot of recommendations as to what should be done and not done to vintage amplifiers. Yes I am sure that all of them over 30 years old should have new electrolytics installed if for no other reason than for safety reasons as I know when they are that old they may well go out unexpectedly and take out some otherwise good components with them. What I would like to know is this. Lets just say I have a amplifier that works but is around 30 years old. I have read some places that say that the power supply should be rebuilt even if the rest is not done and perhaps all will be well ?? Bridge Rectifier, main filters. I have seen others that claim that is not the most important part like those parts don't really go bad even though the main caps may loose some capacity. Some claim that a total re cap must be done, others just the bad parts. Others all the electrolytics and the driver transistors all the way to all the output devices. I have no real opinion myself and I do realize that some amps due to heat or a bit underrated parts installed to start with are harder on parts like resistors than others. I just wanna see what you guys gotta say. I am leaving all Phase Linear amplifiers out of the discussion by the way because I know what I am supposed to do with 100% of them...WOPL !