Things show up all the time in the mail around here you never know. Really it is maybe broken in. I run my Beralli mostly. It is morning and I can't spell. LOL That Shure I bought for the Micro sounds great. Lee you might try rolling the tubes. f he hadn't gotten the Pioneer there might of been more in that box. LOL
We do things for people in this group and I love it.
Yes, I checked out the Grant Fidelity web site for more information on it. The P-307 has features which you can take advantage of right now for your CD/DVD player. Larry put some thought into the asthetics, too, as it's, predominantly, silver to match the rest of your Spec components.
Well, well, well. It came with 12AX7's and 12AU7's................................................. Just so happens I have a matched set of both in Sylvania's from some tubes I inherited from Dad. Circa 1961 or 62.
The Syls might just give you a better sound than the Chinese. I know the Sovtec I put in made mine sound a lot better than the Chinese tube that was in it.