Re: Phase Linear 400
Should still have the 555's, some are nsc, and nec. alos have the original PL branded 909's. I can tell by your quest there is some intrest there!!! 555's, they work in the 400, indistructable little things they are, and you have some 400's too!
I understand your confusion with some amps sounding different. I believe it component..when I build a amp every component is top grade audiophile even tubes are chose super clean rated so on the mass produced corners are cut and usually degrades the sound. Alos I have been surronded by some really retarded engineers so they rely on test equiptment to gade sound instead of the human ear...the best sounding amp I know of is built by the user for the user.
Anyway after dinner I'm going to swap the driver transistors from left to right and listen again and if the fuzz moves I know where to stop.
Should still have the 555's, some are nsc, and nec. alos have the original PL branded 909's. I can tell by your quest there is some intrest there!!! 555's, they work in the 400, indistructable little things they are, and you have some 400's too!
I understand your confusion with some amps sounding different. I believe it component..when I build a amp every component is top grade audiophile even tubes are chose super clean rated so on the mass produced corners are cut and usually degrades the sound. Alos I have been surronded by some really retarded engineers so they rely on test equiptment to gade sound instead of the human ear...the best sounding amp I know of is built by the user for the user.
Anyway after dinner I'm going to swap the driver transistors from left to right and listen again and if the fuzz moves I know where to stop.