Have question for you.. You seem to be knowledgable in the Phase Linear, just installed Joes board in my 700B.
Install went great and amp biased up nicely.
Put onto speakers and played 1khz signal and bias tracked equally. When I played some music through got fuzziness in the right channel. more pronounced in the tweeter. Have MJ15's in outputs and original drivers. Process of illmination confirms its the amp. In your experience have you encountered this?
Have question for you.. You seem to be knowledgable in the Phase Linear, just installed Joes board in my 700B.
Install went great and amp biased up nicely.
Put onto speakers and played 1khz signal and bias tracked equally. When I played some music through got fuzziness in the right channel. more pronounced in the tweeter. Have MJ15's in outputs and original drivers. Process of illmination confirms its the amp. In your experience have you encountered this?