Dummy loads in hand, now back to it...
Ahhh.. so "grasshoppah" here sees wisdom in old and wise PL tech advice! Got to take it SLOW and EASY... I took out all of the outputs from the right channel (that was the worst - the left can "live" but the right really had issues). Then two by two, back in. I'm up to the drivers and two sets of outputs.
Fired up.. no issues.. DC offset is really good now on the right side...
And now we go for the "power"... not too bad considering I'm at 2/5'ths capacity... (need tripod yeah yeah.. that's 5V per division there... half the waveform shown til I come up with a .5X voltage divider or somethin.. )
As I told Lee tho, I think these sockets were probably a little bit "advanced" for me to be "patient" with them. The boss's on the top end are a bit thin for seating good on the chassis, and it's real easy to overdo the solder on the base and emitter pins to where it flows down and effectively welds the contacts. I'm going to see what I can do to continue working with 'em, but I may replace a few problematic
(read - really 'effed up by ME.. oops.. ) ones if I can't get the MJ's in there just right.
It's salvageable I think.. I aint giving up so easy, so Lee.. y'aint getting this back in a box.. no way, jose!
I'm getting the finesse thing down, no probs!