It's almost 6pm Sat May 21st


Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Stuwee, you're on top of your game, as always. The first time I've seen that one. There always seem to be action of the sordid sort while the Chief is away.

The decluttering did not claim any victims of the stereo kind, today. The closest things were a couple of small stereo stands and CD/VHS storage stands I donated. Most of the stuff is my kids' stuff from their younger years. It may be inevitable, but some of my unused components will be sorted through, too. I'll see whether there's something of value for any of our members to get first dibs on.



Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
This is one F'up thread! And with Larry missing out :sleepy1: :sleepy1: too, poor bastid.....

Nando, Web emailed Geri and they have set in motion a devious plot for him getting his grubby hands on some of your stuff for his hoarding habit, Geri is more than happy to help. He whispered the magic words and she used the basement gig as a foil, I can not say anymore........


Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Why, I ought ta... Can you imagine me without my Elite gear? It would be like someone stealing my mojo. Web is the likely mastermind scheming to steal my mojo. Him, and his big words and all. I may be computer-illiterate, but I have friends who can mess with his hard drive and key-punching fingers. All it would take is a phone call and two cases of Guiness Pub Draught. You do the calculation, stuwee!



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Yes those antibiotics kick my butt. Never in my life have I slept like I have this week. The only thing I can say is Blondie said it all in Rapture. To me the 1st Rap song and a good jam. The guy must have forgotten to carry the one again.

Now guys think real hard. Would I leave you good souls? Yes in a New York second with the fool we have for President.

I to did get a vision. Man can not live by one brand of audio equipment alone. Sell that Pioneer stuff and get some real gear. Does Pioneer even make audio equipment any more?

Every time I turn around Lee is crying after hearing good equipment. What does that tell us? HMMMMMMMM

Lee just remember these Pearls of wisdom. K-Horns are nice. BUT YOU are going to cry again in your life. You need a nice gentle pair of speakers for those Carys. Why do I have 3 syatems?

OK Lee cried today listening to a 199.00 new CDP. The AA gear cost more than the CDP. Lee the MBL was 1500.00 new in the early 2000. Don't worry about the upsampling and stuff. Just follow your ears. I'm learning every day. I mean I had a heck of an epiphany while I was asleep. LOL to be continued. LOL



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Continuation. LMAO

I'm not the brightest bulb on the tree. Stuwee keeps saying I'm a man of few words. Well Stuwee. It is better to have them think your stupid then to open your mouth and prove it. I'm the 1st to admit I'm not to bright. I make tapes in the era of the Ipod. LMAO.And Stuwee I'm going to change that chip. I have never done it but I am going to try. It doesn't work now so what can it hurt?

Yes I'm giving all a hard time. Yes even FF and Web. Heckle and Jeckle. Were you guys separated at birth. LOL My God boys you guys squeeze a penny so hard you can hear Lincoln scream.

Yes I guess you could call this a roast. You guys do to much while I'm asleep. LOL

Now my favorite person. LOL My buddy. My Pal. Jerry.I just want to say thank you. Before I pull the scab off. This will hurt me more than you. LMAO Jerry let me give you a lesson in life. Do what your heart tells you. Listen to dumb a-- Larry sometimes. Every once in awhile I do have a good idea. The comparison of my brain to a BB in a box car is true. I'm not going to pick on you to hard. LOL Don't get me wrong I like Yamahas better than Pioneer. LMAO Is the resurrection of the Yammie worth it? Just asking. I did like Yamaha in the 70s. They have a distinct sound. So think long and hard about it. And if you ever get mad at me again. I know where you live. I made it across the states 3 times w/o a drives license I think I can get to your house. LMAO

Now a little self ridicule. Most of the time I walk around second guessing myself. I mean how bright can I be. I was offered a job with NASA and I didn't take it. The Air Force offered me the Academy and I preferred to smoke pot than be an officer. The best thing I have done is founded Phoenix. Without it I wouldn't have gotten so close to you guys. I am an introvert. Today I have more friends than I ever had. My wife thinks I'm crazy with this Phoenix thing. Well she carries my papers in her purse if any thing really happens she can prove it. LMAO

This felt good to joke around. I hope I didn't hurt your feelings. LOL I have been a little stressed the last 2 weeks. The last 2 days have been real fun. 3 new customers in less than a month scares me. Well it is 6 am. You know I watch people pretty close. I don't walk on my neighbors yards. I'm looking across the street. The neighbor threw all her grass clipping into the neighbors drive way. The Trailer Park must have been full so she moved here. I was raised different. And don't let me catch you letting your dog crap in my yard I will come unglued. I'm the grouch of the neighbor hood. My neighbor had so many dandelions in his yard I asked if I could weed and feed his lawn so I wouldn't have them. He has a nice lawn this year.

Well if you want to flame me I'm here. LMAO



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
You guys can flame me now. LMAO In a good mood. Have so much to do. It isn't funny. The last post was in jest. I want to thank you guys for helping in making it happen. Love you guys all of you.



Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Look asshole!!! How dare you shortchange the name of The SLIVER REVIVAL!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF I HAVE TO PERSONALLY BRING A SPEC 1 and 2 TO YOUR HOUSE< TIE YOU DOWN IN THAT RECLINER(you don't have) AN MAKE YOU LISTEN TO IT I WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, if you've heard a set of K-horns before there is no comparison to mine, they're KHINO(k-horn in name only) they can be a s in your face as you want or play the lullaby as sweet as anything. But what impresses me more than anything is the bass, MY EYEBALLS WERE VIBRATING!!@!!! For Gods Sake!!

Hows that for a flaming???HUH/?? HUH??? Did i do good?? HUH??


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
FU Stu, King of Coolshot!!!! Hows that HUH?? Am I getting good at this flaming s%^#???


Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
jbeckva said:
Do I haveta send you two to yer rooms?? With no supper??

Don't make me stop this minivan!!!
Your not in the minivan fool, your in a hammock in the back yard with a beaker full of gin :bootyshake:

And for the love of God, put some pants on!!