It's almost 6pm Sat May 21st

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
stuwee said:
Web Police said:
Holly crap! we had big earthquake here, but I loaned one of my shirts to Guido and it looks like he has to pay for my crimes. When the laser eyes came looking for me I hid behind the x-amp and the non linear gain took the :whax: by surprise.
Ya mean you don't have your name stitched on your bowling shirt, tsk, tsk

My shirt was dirty so I grabbed one out of the dirty laundry basket at the bowling alley. The last I remember when Guido was vaporized was looking down on the remnants and seeing.
-----------------------> ???n?s :cyclops:

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
Fast Forward said:
The good news is I didn,t see any body from AK or TH

As I was escaping and prior to the Reepers Scythe coming down I saw these two characters wrestling. What does it all mean?



Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
It was an extraordinary experience to say the least! At first I felt light-headed, and I thought, "You fool; it was probably due to skipping breakfast and having a double-expresso." But, it was unlike any other feeling I had ever had, almost like having sex while standing up. I could see myself in a discussion with Geri in the basement of my home, but I had separated from my body. That wasn't me there. I could view myself gently nodding my head affirmatively with Geri, which is not too uncommon from my usual routine.

It felt like I was in elevator which moved quickly, yet unfaltering. I then heard a commanding voice and looked to my left where I had heard the voice. I came to a controlled stop and the dimly-lit surroundings threw me a bit off balance. I could barely discern a figure, when a broad hand motioned me forward. It was very difficult to see, as everything seemed shrouded in a muted-white veil. As I approached, I began to feel a great warmth and understanding which felt all-encompassing. I startled as the voice, which seemed quite loud or maybe I had achieved a hyper-sensitivity in my hearing, said,"Son, your time on earth is not done. You must pass this message to those who are unknowing and tell them that I have spoken." Uh, what could I say, but sure! He cupped my ear with his broad hand and whispered his words for me to relay to my brothers here on earth. Once hearing his words, I felt like a burden had been lifted from my soul and I repeated the words as I felt myself moving again. I didn't stop repeating those words, lest I forgot them until I alit back to from where I had been.

Mysteriously, the same wisps of white followed me back home. Looking closely through the warm veil I could feel it condense on my skin. Now, the realization struck: this wasn't godly ethereal essence, it was steam, and I could distinguish the letters O-T-I-S with a flashing red arrow indicating UP. I nearly passed out from the thought of what had just happened. Once I settled down, I shook my head and it all became clear of why at first it didn't make sense of the importance of the message. He told me:

"Pioneer Sucks And Nakamichi Rules!"

A Born-Again Silver Believer

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
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Elite-ist said:
Looking closely through the warm veil I could feel it condense on my skin. Now, the realization struck: this wasn't godly ethereal essence, it was steam
I'd say go turn the thermostat on your water heater down some. Sounds like your external jugular vein constricted from too much hot water. The warm veil was probably your shower curtain clinging to your skin as you wobbled in and out of consciousness. :cyclops:


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Yo Guys............Where's Larry????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Web Police said:

Looking closely through the warm veil I could feel it condense on my skin. Now, the realization struck: this wasn't godly ethereal essence, it was steam
I'd say go turn the thermostat on your water heater down some. Sounds like your external jugular vein constricted from too much hot water. The warm veil was probably your shower curtain clinging to your skin as you wobbled in and out of consciousness. :cyclops:[/quote:17d2xyyr]
Hey Web,

I did concoct this story right after getting out of the shower a short while ago. I was already formulating the plot while I was washing my undersides.

Today, Geri and my two sons and I spent a good 7 hours in the downstairs decluttering. So, in essence a few things did disappear today. But, thankfully none of my friends here at Phoenix took a trip.


Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
laatsch55 said:
Yo Guys............Where's Larry????????????????????????????????????????????????????

He always seems to be sleeping when Nando, FF and myself have our Autistic Artistic Savant moments. :cyclops: