I have designs for this.. hehe


Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
Hey ya Jer! Nice to see ya buddy! While going Pre-less is not so hard with digital and other high level outputs into an amp. Vinyl nut that I am, I need to know how integrating a phono pre works in your set up.

Love ya bro!!
LOL Damn guys... I must have been all wrapped up in what was going on here at that time to notice this.. : ) Sorry Stu and Ron!

Anywhoo.. yeah, I had (still have) purchased an outboard phono preamp as part of this experiment. It went pretty well if I recall, but there still was something not quite there.

Man I bounce between simple and complicated all the time... right now it's with my GTP-500 Adcom. Not bad.. but next month I could be back to just the DAC.... or output right from the Xonar ... that's what's fun about this hobby LOL.