As well as all the bitching over inconsequential minor details I noticed the general quality of the threads and advice has subsided a lot too. I think there's only tapetech and nakdoc who are left holding the fort in that respect. And Nando of course!
The rest is just pure garbage, sniping and nonsense. There are certain members who obviously make it a daily task to stay at the top of the 'new posts' leader board by posting the most mundane thread topics. Member Canhead seems to have perfected this into an artform.
I do remember the quality of the advices there went quickly down from when a "certain member" started to spam about polishing paste, Lenor fabric softener on rubber parts and some other bullshits, like (mis)aligning the left roller's guide on dual capstan deck according to how a track alignment test tape (of unknown reliability) reads OK on the PB head... (the guy ignores that if the tape doesn't run precisely in the path, checked with M300 gauge, sooner or later the fork guides on the head would be damaged on one side or the other by the border of the tape, developing a wear groove, unless it's so misaligned that the head damages the border of the tape... and that a tape physically runs in the proper path isn't necessarily related to how a test tape does read, because there might be other problems or tolerances getting unnoticed).
Ah, forgot about his practice of using nail files on pinch rollers!

I had tried to debate with such member to make people see how his advices were pure crap but, hey, people do prefer the cheapest way to make things, even if it's the wrong way, so such "advices" became like the holy bible of deck repairs.