I think I have previously replied to similar threads like this here. I am very reluctant to share
my methods as usually some know it all smart arse that would not know their arse from their
elbow, buts in with the usual digital is digital, and copies made on my little sisters Fisher Price
CD burner are the same as everybody else's copies.
My recordings from LP, Tape to CD are nothing short of stunning when compared to an original CD of
the same material. The recording may have some increased vinyl surface noise compared to the
original CD but every other sonic feature makes the original CD sound broken.
Start to finish from recording the LP to burning a finished copy takes some considerable time and
multiple steps. Some significant hardware and software is also required and some experience in
using the software with a very minimalist approach so as to not damage the files.
I can elaborate on how I go about my methods developed over the last 15 or so years but there
is no way I will disclose this stuff in a post open to ridicule on this forum.
I have recently had a health scare and my tolerance for Fu**witts is at an all time low
If there is interest in my methods, I am willing to share. PM me for details