I use Gas Buddy all the time and no one has ever given me any trouble. The loaded .44 is ready anyway. Too many people are paranoid these days.
Yes, I know the NSA is tracking and recording calls- that is why the .44 is loaded.
Hey gas prices can go crazy all they want- I decided a long time ago that the next car would be a Tesla- the hell with oil eating cars- that is for the 19th century. The shell at the corner here is sometimes the lowest price in the area- lower than Safeway, Thorton and even BP. I don't mind shell gas- of course I do so much driving that I need gas about ever 6 weeks to 2 months now days. I saw it drop to below $2 one day. I grew up when it was $.33/Gallon. Hey with high technology it should be going down not up. Wait for Zero point devices to be released- then you will not be able to give gas away.