Older thread but here goes… I'm down to using one turntable these days, although I have more than a couple.
I buy quite a few newer LPs, and if any of you purchase new albums you can attest to the fact that at least one out of three is warped more than we would like to see. I never thought that the heavier weight records sounded any better, and there is a plethora of online myths… Like the grooves are cut deeper, you know the stories. This being said I've had more luck with the heavy weight 180 g records manufactured within the last 10 years versus it's lighter weight sibling. I don't know if it's storage, manufacturing, whatever it is but many of them are horrendous.
On my Thorens TD-124 deck I sometimes use the periphery ring, and although it wasn't cheap I was tired of battling warped records, so when I get one that's overly warped that's what I do. The universal one I have works great.