I love the compression fittings on the massive copper bus bar, Lee. An Electrician friend told me that a compression fitting is better than a solder joint...and I think he is right...and it looks cool too!!
So....we've been kickin it for a couple hours....damn fine sounding amp...I'm lovin it........maybe some post-partum depression. Me and the Pig been through a lot....I'll miss his snickering in the background....Michelle's turn to flick the Pig some shit....
I think it looks awesome! Can't wait to see it in person. Thanks again Lee, I know you've been going through some rough health issues lately and it's been difficult to find time to build this. Thanks again Joe, for the brilliant design and your generosity!
In the last week 'The Pig' has crossed more state lines than some truckers cross in that time but it is finally due to arrive to my address in Maine today!!!