The next time a newbie asks, don't tell them "All you need is the faceplate and the transformer.... it's a little more than that. Fuse holders, stand offs, Q-6 heat sinks, thermal cut offs, ( I didn't start with a stock operational unit so some of my parts were either melted or missing
Perry, that's all you need in reality. All the WO parts fill in everything else that is gutted and I mean EVERYTHING is gutted out, no Q6 heatsinks (whatever they are) or or thermal cutoffs either since they are scrapped also and new shit goes in. Again, sorry about the fuseholders BUT a lot of people switch to the long ones anyway since the AGX fuses are a pain in the ass to get, you can't just go to Rat Shack and get them. The AGC however are easier sourced without having to go online to get them (and cheaper). If you had responded that you need the fuse holders when I posted above, you would probably have been getting them tomorrow
As for the standoffs... there is none in a stocker. It's all TO3, you need the standoffs for the backplane boards and they come with Joe's kits right? Only standoffs that I can think of with the old stock units support the control board???
At most, you would have also need the bridge bar but again, most people switch to a BABB and in the case of the 700B, the power switches which I can send you also, that's my fault for not thinking to take them off the faceplates with the fuseholders
Some of what I said above is probably incorrect but I do know you are building a totally new amp, there is nothing Phase Linear inside except the tranny and bridge rectifier (also the fuseholders but again, on these units, the faceplates were drilled in front to accommodate them so easier to change when they were racked for the Tour). Anything you needed with the exception of the fuseholders comes in Joe's kits