?? Son of a ^%$@! Those measurements I just gave you WERE in DC mode!
Now I'M the dumbf&%#@! Ugh okay........ one more time. In AC mode:
-White Oak PL 700B
L channel~ 1.0mv R channel~ 0.7mv /without speakers
L channel~ 1.8mv R channel~ 0.7mv /with speakers
-International PL 700B
L channel~ 0.1mv R channel~ 0.1mv /without speakers
L channel~ 0.1mv R channel~ 0.0mv /with speakers
-PL 700B (700 watt R.M.S.) version
L channel~ 0.1mv R channel~ 0.3mv /without speakers
L channel~ 0.1mv R channel~ 0.3mv /with speakers
Here's where I am a bit confused and have a concern (but hey... I'm thinking more as I type this sooo... bear with me). I had you measure AC direct from the speaker outputs to compare the "hum" signal. Since you stated the hum is 60hz, it should be measurable as most AC meters are going to measure that frequency quite accurately (think about it... they would definitely need to measure accurately standard AC "wall voltage", correct?).
This stated, the measurements above (1.8mV maximum) don't quite indicate an issue. I measured my own WO 700, and I have around 1mVAC on both channels.
Going further... with 1.8mVAC and even with an 8ohm woofer rated at 100db SPL 1W/1M, the actual db level would be 64 decibels down from the SPL rating. 36 db, barely above a whisper. 39 db is typically the threshold of hearing at 60hz.
Now hmmm (pardon the pun.. lol)... You stated that in your enclosures you have FOUR woofers, eh? (yowza bet you get punched in the solar plexus pretty good at "mach 8" eh??)... So... I'm thinking that in order to maintain the nominal 8 ohm impedance, you'd have to have them wired with 2 pairs in series with each other, and then in parallel with the other pair.
So given that scenario, we'd be seeing about .9VAC across each... and still with an 8 ohm impedance. What model woofs ya got? Let's say we be more realistic and rate 'em at 92db SPL... with .9 mVAC applied, the power factor is now -70db, which equals 22db of output. Now mind you.. hmm.. that's 22db "per speaker", and you have four of them (8 ... stereo!)... so now I have to wonder if it's "additive" and due to 4 woofs the total SPL is audible (how many decibels "total" do four... no.. EIGHT.. woofers, each outputting 22db's, make??). Yeah.. hmmmm indeed, because with your non WO measurements, the power factor would be -95db... almost "zero" for output. So I can sort of "see" how your peculiar situation is calling for a much MUCH quieter amp!
Just a few points of observation and some questions. Basically I don't know if *I* am going to hear the hum with what I have here, which is a single 15 woofer (correction.. TWO for stereo). Seems that I'll have to rely on my AC meter to determine if whatever further work I perform makes a difference or not. Which.. yep... there are two things we can do if you send it back my way - I will reroute the internal AC lines and see about how to minimize the interference that running the AC for the DCP might be introducing... Probably take the ground that the DCP needs, and twist all three in "twisted pair" fashion.
BUT... if those two corrections don't throw it over the threshold... then we need to talk about actually doing a "mod", which would be relocating the power cord and fuse from the right to left side of the amp. In that arrangement, with the exception of the AC for the DCP to function there would be ZERO AC lines crossing the back wall.. We can try the first two steps above first, obviously.. but bear in mind if they don't produce the desired results, this more drastic step may be what is called for.