Did you switch it where you were listening to the hum?? I'm asking to see if there was any perceptible change at all. Without a pre-amp plugged in and on or shorting plugs in the RCA's no matter which amp I had it sounded horrible.
See that's the thing. That's not the case here. I can unplug pre-amps, take out RCA's, and unplug all devices, and switch the switch both ways and the hum only exists as long as the amp is on. Take out the amp and put another in its place, with NO pre-amp, NO RCA's and NO other eqt. hooked up, (same scenario) and NO HUM. It's gotta be the amp. Jerry and I discussed the option of sending it back once I got Doug's meter, and he would install the new meter while trying to figure out the issue. He was reasonable on the shipping charges too. But we also discussed talking to you and Joe to see if it could have been ANYTHING but the amp.

It's not looking too bright in that department today. Now that we have eliminated a LOT of potentials here. And luckily I have a spare amp just sitting around. That's helped a lot. But I am becoming saddened that I may have to send it back somewhere and get another pair of eyes on it. Internally, a lot has been done here. New 21196's, resistors, DCP board, Caps, rectifier, RCA inputs, driver board, LED board, soon to be new meter, new 0db switch, and on and on. I've gone so far.

I just wanna get this thing right.