Upcomming Phase Linear 700B
For those who saw the posting in the buy/sell/trade forum for my PL 400, I mentioned a PL700B for sale. Well when it IS; it will be posted in the buy/sell/trade section. Lee; I TRIED uploading an attachment to you, but phoenix will not let you do so when in PM mode. (grrr), so I have to show it here and mention it now. My story goes like so.............
I wanted to replace my PL 400 with a 700B. nothing on the bay for months. Finally one was, with a blue light board installed. Big price to pay, (as most B's can be) but I wanted it and it was my opportunity. So I cringed and coughed it up. This amp arrived to me with the original light board DRILLED for new holes for LED's and the LED's were wonking in and out on the meters. A buzzing sound and arcing could be heard on switch power up. this guy said it was working PERFECTLY. But as we can see...uhhhhhhhhhh NO. About a week later.........yet another guy on ebay was selling a B too! This time for less than what I paid for THIS one, AND it was a lab standard. (matches the one Jerry is working on). So great. I'll have two bi-amped matching amps.
So what do I do with a third B? Well..........make it sellable. I bought the WHITE LED board from Joe, to fix the crazy light issue. Blew out around the power switch with some canned air, and whalla! The amp no longer arcs and sparks and the lights are pretty as ever. But now I was in the hole $800.
(orrrrrrrr do I take a perfectly good B a switch the meters around to fix my meter issue? Nobody will know? he heee.........oh crap. I just gave my idea away. Well, there go the phoenix takers! LOL!) Just kidding folks.
Below are the photo's I saved straight from the bay! So you know how dumb I was to pay what I paid. I got the third 700B for much less on ebay and should have been more patient. LOL!
This is the 700Watt R.M.S. version, like Nando has. My other two I am keeping are Labratory Standards. Both have Jewel meters, this R.M.S. amp has Honeywell. (First Photo it's the First 700B from the TOP; and second photo it is in my system as the BOTTOM amp). Any additional pics of the internals I believe are somewhere in my photo archive.) It'd make a great WOAPL project, as the whole amp except for the light board, is factory original. Down to the Phase Linear stamped transistors. Cosmetically, It's in very good shape. Those dings and scratches the guy listed about were simple oxidation on the knobs. And man as you can see I buffed those puppies to blinding proportions! I also shinned up the brushed faceplate.

Soooooooowhen I get my WOAPL 700B back from Jerry, and give it a test run; I will decide whether or not to release this one into the buy/sell/trade forum.
Knowing the back story; does anyone have a good suggestion as to what it's worth is? I have a general idea on what I want to get out of it/ as to what I paid, plus the WOA light board upgrade? With a slight discount to Phoenix members of course. I'll take it on the chin a little. For all the invaluable help you have given me.