David's Phase Linear 700B Thread


Veteran and General Yakker
Sep 25, 2012
Lower Mainland, BC, Canada
Now, don't they all look the same from the front????
Ya, red on the right! The Larrt WOPL has a Jewel and a Honeywell. I bought a Jewel off Dean to match the (at the time) working one. Somewhere in a thread here, I spoke of what I did to fix the Honeywell. Nando has posted recent pix of the amp. Which side is the Honeywell meter on? I haven't replaced it yet. Doug
May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
I know the honeywell's do not have a hazy light dispersion film strip at the bottom where the light enters the meter. The Jewel does. Whether or not this affects the meter brightness as opposed to the Jewel; I can't say. Don't have a side-by side comparison?


Veteran and General Yakker
Sep 25, 2012
Lower Mainland, BC, Canada
I know the honeywell's do not have a hazy light dispersion film strip at the bottom where the light enters the meter. The Jewel does. Whether or not this affects the meter brightness as opposed to the Jewel; I can't say. Don't have a side-by side comparison?
The only Honeywell I've seen had the strip on it. Nando's recent picture, shows a Honeywell and a Jewel side by side with the strip installed. I can't recall what brand meters (Dixon or Jewel) are in my other amp, but know they have the strips on them. Doug
May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
The only Honeywell I've seen had the strip on it. Nando's recent picture, shows a Honeywell and a Jewel side by side with the strip installed. I can't recall what brand meters (Dixon or Jewel) are in my other amp, but know they have the strips on them. Doug
I have a PL700B with honeywell's and they do NOT have strips. That is why I said that. But that amp has the white LED board in it, and the Jewel amp has blue. So I could not get a proper indication of whether my amps matched or not. We could try it Doug? No harm in that if you are willing? I am sure any Phase Purist would smirk at mixing parts, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do! :thumbright:

Question for you Jerry. Have we exhausted all other methods of fixing the meter? Should we try Dougs idea and put the honeywell in? I am game if everyone else is? :toothy10:


Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
I have a PL700B with honeywell's and they do NOT have strips. That is why I said that. But that amp has the white LED board in it, and the Jewel amp has blue. So I could not get a proper indication of whether my amps matched or not. We could try it Doug? No harm in that if you are willing? I am sure any Phase Purist would smirk at mixing parts, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do! :thumbright:

Question for you Jerry. Have we exhausted all other methods of fixing the meter? Should we try Dougs idea and put the honeywell in? I am game if everyone else is? :toothy10:
Pretty much. While it may be possible to adjust the sensitivity using additional resistance (variable, perhaps), I can't guarantee the deflection of the meters is going to the equal across the entire scale/range.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
I have a PL700B with honeywell's and they do NOT have strips. That is why I said that. But that amp has the white LED board in it, and the Jewel amp has blue. So I could not get a proper indication of whether my amps matched or not. We could try it Doug? No harm in that if you are willing? I am sure any Phase Purist would smirk at mixing parts, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do! :thumbright:

Question for you Jerry. Have we exhausted all other methods of fixing the meter? Should we try Dougs idea and put the honeywell in? I am game if everyone else is? :toothy10:
Doug, a Phase purist would not have put aftermarket anything in that amp, and would still be suffering from severe rolloff in the bass section. They were all original Phase parts that's why they are interchangable.
The diffuser strips were not adhered too well to begin with. I have seen all three brands with/without them, so take that for what it's worth.....the phase bunch did some weird stuff. I had a 400 in here awhiole ago that had 2 different dimension power supply cap. One was 1-5/8 diameter the other 2 inch, original parts...
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Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
I don't know whether any of these pictures will help you regarding the PL 700B meters:

Click on image to play video:

As you can see, I have really been enjoying a few relaxing evenings with Doug's "Larrt WOPL 1000."



Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Lee: I always look forward to turning it on for a listening session. Most times during the evening, I keep the room lights off with just the backlighting of the PL 700 B to break the darkness. I love the physical looks of this amplifier and it has proven itself well during the time I have used it. As I like to do with a new amp/receiver I replay some of my favourite LPs and CDs, etc., I know very well, just so I can spot the differences from what I am accustomed to hearing with its predecessor. You've done a nice job on this one. I'm a little torn though - we had spoken some time ago about a special amp rebuild you would undertake for me with enough lead time once I was ready to commit. I like the PL 700 B, so in your opinion would your choice for a mid-powered amp in the 250-350 wpc range go to the PL or the Pioneer?



Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
It breaks my heart to say it ........but the PL hands down. I like the sound of the PL much better. Not as "sterile" and more "musical". I have compared em a lot Nando, and I keep hooking the Pl up to the K's.....


Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
I was just trying to compare factory-stock components together, not a WOPL-modded PL 700 B. Good thing I asked, as I had a suspicion the PL would be the better sounding and performing amp.

When I speak of high-powered amps, I think of multiple amps driving different speaker drivers as the sum of the amp outputs. There are a few guys running well over IK with summed amps.

May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
Doug, a Phase purist would not have put aftermarket anything in that amp, and would still be suffering from severe rolloff in the bass section. They were all original Phase parts that's why they are interchangable.
The diffuser strips were not adhered too well to begin with. I have seen all three brands with/without them, so take that for what it's worth.....the phase bunch did some weird stuff. I had a 400 in here awhiole ago that had 2 different dimension power supply cap. One was 1-5/8 diameter the other 2 inch, original parts...
I keep hearing that about Phase Lee. That's some crazy stuff for a factory to do? Q.C. didn't seem to be phases speacialty? Two different diameter caps in the same amp?? Now that's not just a manufacturing line change, that's just blatant, "oops. This bin is outta this part. Lemme see what what I can make fit from this bin over here?" Doubtful today's audio hi-fi manufacturers would get away with that? I know when we run out of a PLC, or MCP or relay for a panel at work, we don't stick in something similar from stock? We rush order the proper part. Even when we have 250 panels all the same.

I think you meant to type Dave instead of Doug when you made the reply to my Phase Purist comment. I would hope you understood that as sarcasm there? As I said, you gotta do what you gotta do. I think the only thing left that will be stock once Jerry us through; is the transformer,chasis and knobs! LOL! Or pretty close anyway? All the guts are new.

Doug........ya got that spare honeywell? What do you want for it?
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Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
I was just trying to compare factory-stock components together, not a WOPL-modded PL 700 B. Good thing I asked, as I had a suspicion the PL would be the better sounding and performing amp.

When I speak of high-powered amps, I think of multiple amps driving different speaker drivers as the sum of the amp outputs. There are a few guys running well over IK with summed amps.


In a tri-amp config....yep.