Alright fella's. You're not going to believe this, but I have isolated the problem. A STUPID simple issue!
I WAS correct in the way I hooked up the caps. I WAS correct in making sure all the fuses were good. I WAS correct in wiggling the RCA's and even swapping them out with different ones. What I NEVER tried doing was man-handling the damn cables at the RCA jack on the amp! It seems the RCA jack's themselves are going bad. Because all the sudden I got my channels back.
I am not sure about the cap forming. Would the caps not form themselves after hours of the amp simply being on at standard operating voltage? They seemed to work well now. It looks as if it's back to ebay to get some RCA jacks. Jeeze. New WOA light board, new bulk caps, shiny new gold RCA jacks.....all I need NOW is a WOA Driver board to give it that new forest green look, and a whole new set of fast responding transistors, and I have me a whole new amp! (and a whole empty wallet).
I feel dumb on those RCA's. I swore I jiggled those things on her all day. (Nav that one's for you). I suspected the caps are working well, because I saw Joe's blue meter lights power down slowly and take about two minutes to fully discharge through the LED's.
On the topic of calibrating the VU's I mentioned earlier. I am aware of the eye socket on the meters. I attenuated the meters to read directly to zero on the VU. But one side seems to respond accuratly to each bass note thump, and the other behaves wildly oversensitive. Too fast. Is there something else I am missing? Or ten years ago when my Right channel transistors exploded and pinned the VU, did I stress out my windings? DOH! Otherwise........ I'm going to re-assemble this thing after I get my new RCA's and call it a day.