I love this forum. Lee. (I assume it's Lee?) I will give you as much information as I possibly can. While addressing the other guys too. First, I checked and double checked the fuses on the back of the amp. ALL of them. Visually, they are fine, and with the DMM continuity test, they are fine. The fuses I have my mammoth 350lb speakers attatched to it, have 5A fast acting AGC's on the low end, and 3A fast acting on the high. (As I CURRENTLY have it bi-amped with a PL 400 on highs and PL 700B on lows) and THOSE fuses are perfect there. Process of elimination round one down. Now, sadly, I was unaware of Joe's cap forming technique, and took out the 9,800mf caps, and directly dropped in the Nippon 18,000mf ones. These caps I bought from ebay, from a guy with over 5,000 transactions and almost 100% positive feedback. In his listing for the caps, there is a model # that will take you directly to mouser. I have at this time since asked him if these are from them. (Just to cover my bases here). Now......I have installed four of Joe's light boards, and am on my way to six. The Light board used here is a WOA. It works great! So I figured I would be A-ok at this little project? oops........guess I got cocky. From the photo's provided in my last post, here is how I wired the caps. I followed a diagram in the back of the PL700B manual just to be sure. RED wires at top, go into positive side of top cap. Then negative side of that cap, hooked up to copper bridge rail. Copper bridge rail hooked up to lower cap on the positive side, and the negative side of that lower cap, hooked back up to BLACK wires at bottom of amp. I believe one red and one black wire are coming from the bridge rectifier as well. Unfortunately fella's, I do not have a Dim bulb tester or a variac. What I WILL do after this post is go back and triple check all my connections and make sure nothing is touching! I made sure to wrap each and every connection I dismantled from the original caps, with a paper towel, so as NOT to have myself touch or have the wires touch anything in the cabinet. (and look......I messed it up anyway). Yes the amp has been working perfect before the new caps. Note that when I installed the new caps, the bass didn't "sound" as punchy. Even when I tried to turn up the gains on the front panel under each VU meter. Then 20 seconds into the test, that left channel gave out. (as far as I went with the gains was 3/4). I have to say......I only have an Associates degree in electronics. And it's been over a decade since I used such knowledge. I don't feel like I should be messing any farther back into the amp, than the faceplate light boards themselves!

The guy who sold me the caps said that if the the bridge rectifier is rated for 25 Amps, (which it is) the 18,000mf caps should work fine. And if the diodes were gone, I'd hear a huge hum. Since no hum and no bad fuses exist, I'm confounded. His last suggestion was to check the DC offset. I don't even know how to do that.
I have been contemplating just sending the amp to Joe and having him completely WOA it. Driver boards and everything. But if you think we can save the beast, I may consider sending it to you using your container. Just let me know what doing something like this is gonna cost me?

My local vintage repair shop could probably do it. He worked on replacing an attenuation switch for this amp, when I found out I was missing the internal circuitry for it from the previous owner. And he worked on all my father's PL's in the 70's. So He's been there quite a while. But he's slammed and you can't walk 3 meters in that place without tripping over some piece of vintage gear. In all likelihood............I'm looking at a MONTH with no amp if it goes away for a tune-up.
Would dropping the old caps BACK in solve anything? I will recheck the connections and get back with you guys. So we can eliminate that. But it's open on the table behind me here, and I see nothing touching anything? I was super careful. Sighhhhhh........ I have to be off to work soon. I work evenings fella's. So I may respond later. Thanks for ensuring me I'm not nuts! Nice to know I'm not the only one who's screwed up a 700B before!

LOL! (sorry Lee)