Sutton, I was expecting the Bryston to put on a better show. Good build quality, damn nice layout inside, offset and bias was good. but it only tested at 264 just before clipping, the Spec's at 340, ande the "Monster" at 525. The weird thing is I had to bump the bass about 3db on the Spec 1 tone controls to sound like the others, don't know how significant that is to overall health of the amp, but like I said, for all I've heard about em the Spec should have been subject to dethroning, but it's not gonna happen with this amp.
In conclusion it might be unfair to compare this to the 2 I have as they're anything but stock!~! Would I keep this if I didn't have the others?? YEP!!
Sutton the sound is "different" from the other 2 but not objectionable, it's just that when the SPL's start getting to where I like em, the Bryston starts to run out of gas. There are some who will read this and say " FOR GOD"S SAKE MAN, YOU'RE DRIVING K-HORNS YOU SHOULDN't NEED MORE THAN THE BRYSTON" and in most cases that would be correct, and until you you've made over 500 CLEAN watts available to em [perhaps it is tough to imagine just how much power these speaks will take.