Breaking news...Ammon Bundy reported in custody, militants fail to appear in John Day


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
If you don't want to see the death of LeVoy Finicum, you can skip this link, but this is the raw, unedited video of the capture of the Bundys and other leaders of the occupation *other than obscuring identifying data in the image and the time and date stamp are +8 hours to reflect Zulu (Greenwich Mean) Time, hence the stamp reads 1/27/2016, not 1/26.

The parties' Jeep and Finicum's white crew cab pickup were stopped by Oregon State Police ahead of the road block and shooting scene and Finicum remained stopped for several minutes before taking off again. He encountered the roadblock and narrowly missed an authority swerving into the snow bank on the left. It was at this point that he exited the truck quickly and seemed to be surrendering before appearing to go for his hidden weapon.

OSP officers fired the fatal shots from the front and rear of Finicum and he was dropped, lingering and flailing his right arm for a short while before becoming motionless. Deschutes County will handle the investigation of the shooting. It might seem that he was left to die, but that could not be helped while the others were still in the truck. They were armed with .223 semi-automatic rifles and a .38 special at the least from what I understand. He raised hid right arm for a short time in some motions before the helicopter went behind some trees...after that point it appears it has dropped to his side and he is likely deceased from that point. Efforts were made to attend to him after the others were handcuffed and sitting on the road under guard and the vehicle was cleared but they were not successful of course after about ten minutes of efforts. Ammon exited first after Finicum left the vehicle, raised his arms and dropped his handgun before turning around and walking backwards to be met and handcuffed. You can clearly see his hat where he is sitting with the other five remaining arrested persons.
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Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 18, 2013
Coventry, CT
Fondler errrr... fan of all Nav's avatars
Dude should not have reached into his jacket, that guy coming out of the woods just blasted his ass


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
Dude should not have reached into his jacket, that guy coming out of the woods just blasted his ass
He got it from both sides, in the front and back.

If you remember reading/hearing, he was the one who was the spokesman, was involved with the father's standoff last time and gung ho about dying for the cause from the first time he was interviewed.

I think he had a few screws loose and duct tape holding the rest together...that was my impression from the start, he wasn't all there. When I started hearing the rumors it could be him dead I wasn't surprised.

Dismayed, shaking my head, but not surprised. He would have allowed the police to disarm him otherwise but he wanted to die. The only good thing that did was put enough sense into the others not to put up a fight.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
The last four decided to hold out until they run out of supplies.

Yeah, that'll work.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
But you can turn off their internet and all phone services, that'll make em lonely. Done and we still wait.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
All four remaining militants have federal indictments now, for a total of 16 persons indicted.

Nobody is going home soon but the occupation will soon, in whatever manner...

The people of Harney County and Burns itself won't be 'normal' again soon, if ever. Even those who had similar viewpoints to those of these 'patriot' militants have said they are sick and tired of the duress and harassment they've taken since the militants started coming into to town last fall and announcing what they wanted to authorities, long before the split-off (if you can really call it that) that led to the actions of January 2nd.

People in the little town of only 2,700 will look at others and wonder if they are up to something from something as simple and innocent as a COWBOY HAT.

Let's get to the status of the others. Sandra Cox was released with tracking IIRC and given a no contact order with any militants and no guns, obviously. She had wanted to attend LeVoy Finicum's funeral and was denied. The Arizonan who turned himself in there is being processed, I don't have the status of that off the top of my head right now.

You know, I'm not the most consistent speller on this guy's name, first name is Robert and he's just a bit stranger than his name which is really what sticks. Lieutenants and such, whether in this situation or in wars tend to gain more control and mystique than the leader. Look back to Himmler and Goebbels for one very prominent example. Ammon and his brother went off into lala-militantland while Finicum did a lot of the rhetoric spewing. The man just wasn't all right, as Hank Hill would say. Kamikaze Cowboy. Whether he was going to shoot or drop his weapon is not the point, the police probably instructed him to remain still and allow them to remove his weapons and he disobeyed potentially.

After the mistake had been realized the others in the truck were told to either leave their weapons alone or surrender the ones on their persons, which is what happened. I also would suspect the other militants were so shocked and frightened after seeing Finicum die in front of them and weapons trained on them from all sides that they had no notions of using their arms. They were horribly outgunned from the beginning and they knew it.

And the waiting it out, while a bit long, let all of this sink in and gave the group the false security that their ludicrous ideas would let them gallivant everywhere to build their cause up. All it did was piss off even those who believed in much of their cause.

So YES, Lee...wrong game plan indeed.

Will it matter in the long run, or will the 'Sagebrush Rebellion' die down for yet another long period of time?

I'm guessing that some things might change but there has been more sentiment from people calling the ranchers 'moochers' and not paying their fair share than support for the very people the militants claim to represent. This was one huge and hurtful FARCE.
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Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable

The word is in that the FBI has moved to contain the situation and remove the remaining four militants occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, citing that one of them was seen driving an ATV outside the perimeter allowed and it was time to wind it down.

The militants, who have reestablished some line of communications outside the line to negotiate with the FBI, stated that they were surrounded by armored vehicles. Previously it was indicated that supplies might be running low among them.

It might soon be over.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
The latest word is that the last four may turn themselves in today. We'll see. Don't expect them all to leave without self-inflicted wounds. They are kind of loopy like trapped coyotes.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable

The married couple surrendered first, after they held hands, hugged and kissed each other, then another...

David Frye was the troublesome one and it looked like it might end badly, with his babbling about religious things and talking about killing himself and being a new messiah...

In the end he gave up for a COOKIE, which you could hear him eating rather loudly on his cellphone to the FBI.

Cliven Bundy is also in jail!

He finally decided to come to get his boys out of jail and I gather he had a gun while trying to board or something but he will be arraigned in Portland.



Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
I appreciated OPB's coverage so much that I pledged $5 to them for the winter drive. Doesn't sound like a lot but I could afford that much.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
In followup, while some of the defendants in the government's prosecution have been released on bail, most have been charged in relation to the original standoff with Cliven Bundy in Nevada.

One person who won't get off scot free is militant journalist Pete Santilli.

He was involved in coverage of the original event in Nevada apparently as well and while he's technically being released from Oregon he is going straight to Nevada to face charges related to that.

Frye isn't going anywhere soon, they think he's a bit crackers and would split.

Meanwhile the 'patriot' organizations were out in various cities and state capitals protesting and demanding the freedom of the Bundys and the other militants (about as likely as the sun orbiting the earth). And obviously LaVoy Finnicum is their martyr.

One has to hope and still fear that there will be further stupidity down the line, regardless of the validity of any of their opinions.

To be continued?


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
And yes...

Several new charges have been brought against the militants, including one unnamed individual for the Oregon takeover, not counting actions to be taken for the Nevada standoff. The people who were set free to return to Idaho are being held.

Some of the charges being made relate to taking over the refuge, unauthorized use of equipment, damaging an archeological site...I guess generally being kinda stupid isn't a crime.

Leadership of the patriot groups have vowed to be present and protest, mainly because of the controversies surrounding the death of Finicum (and if he's so damned important why can't half the sites with stories about him decide whether it's one N or two in his last name)?

I know two things. He seemed to be resigned to dying and I'm not in a hurry to and when people with flashing lights on their cars and shotguns tell you to do stuff, you do not ignore it and start to run out of the truck and make fishy moves. Sour grapes, cowboys.

Look for more arrests somewhere along the line, not for actual offenses in Nevada or Oregon back then, but for other stupid things.

You just can't make it up.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
In case you were wondering what you missed on Daze Of Our Patriots


The Bundy Bunch Reunion...

The Grant County sheriff was being investigated for possibly being in cahoots.

Several of the defendants were being approved to be seen in court in Nevada and returned to Oregon.

This brought loud lamentations and groaning from their lawyers who said you can't be tried in two places at the same time like that.


More Certs, they all have the Hailey Toesis disease.

They can keep Marlena locked in a basement for ratings so that would be sour grapes, or raisins, and we still miss Ray Charles.

Here is the mess, while not like the one the kids left after the big shebang in 1969, it was a lollygag.

Until next time...

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Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
in case you weren't paying attention, what with all the other sordid crap going on lately. Here is follow-up on the trial proceedings.

Four of the defendants have accepted plea bargains to drop firearms charges in exchange for the guilty plea to obstructing the duties of federal employees.

Lawyers are complaining that the defendants being tried in Nevada and Oregon so closely together makes it hard to defend their clients when pre-trial motions for the Nevada trial basically left them in a bind. It's possible that with the sheer amount of evidence this could get messed up badly but the judge in Oregon say she is trying to give the defendants a speedy trial...yet there is enough streaming video evidence alone to comprise 250 days worth of viewing (OPB).

One defendant has asked to change their guilty plea, Ammon Bundy has asked to be at the 9th District hearing in San Francisco but it's really not likely.

I have some concerns that the whole thing could just fall apart on technicalities.