BD thanks man. She's adjusting well. She's been on two fishin trips and loved it. I think she's around for awhile yet. She does sleep with us every night now, which she hadn't done in the past.
yeh both of mine have been doin' that for a little while now.
one each side of me....
I have to make quite an (unconscious) effort while I'm sleeping not to roll over on one (or the other) now.
Is she getting cataracts (no pun intended), or just losing sight?
D2 tells me your blood pressure's up. Hope you got it covered.
My Mum's got a similar problem, but she's managed to make it to 82, so I guess it's under control.
Do you have to stop working now, or you still good for another 100,000 miles/oil-drums? (whichever comes first)