If video embed doesn't work:
https://youtu.be/LaiFHTI0qYY. Watch it quick before WEA puts a copyright slap on the video and mutes all the sound!
(OOPS! They slapped me for "Aqualung")
Ruled out the preamp and speaker drivers. This sucker is kicking my ass. It must be the driver board, something else is wrong but it doesn't distort until I turn the volume up a bit. I have no idea
where on the driver board to check and don't have a great assortment of test equipment to make a thorough assessment.
Relegated to the back burner until after New Years. I might just buy the Rev. E board after all...
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/LaiFHTI0qYY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>