So far, so good. Sanded it down and it seemed to held up well running for a few minutes as that's all the time I had to mess with it. It's not a belt though, it's an idler wheel that puts quite a bit more pressure on it so I'll need to run it for a while and see how it holds up. I figure this patch job or another patch with stronger epoxy if need be will work OK, but I expect I'll eventually want a new motor when I come across one as working a patch job by eye can get it awfully close to round and it's usable now, but it'll never be quite perfect. This lets me move ahead with the restore though and when a motor comes up, I can grab it but don't have to feel like I need one urgently. But, I'm looking at this one as a long term project and will take my time. If I end up with a table that's tip top this time next year, I'll be happy.