Well I took the time last night to have a look at all the Pl stuff I've received so far.
The microscan cassette player is one heavy beast. man this thing is heaver than the 400 amp! This is a first for me, I never
had seen one of these close up.
But I'm pretty well sure this one needs more than just a belt. Its looks like it hasn't been used in the last 20 years. It is
just full of fine dirt? More than just dust. I think this guy may have lived on a dusty road?
There is a thick black shit that was leaking out of the bottom. I'm pretty sure that is the idler wheel completely melted
away. has a couple of major nicks on the top alum. panel. Man this guy was rough on his stuff. So I knew going in that
this piece would be hard to restore according to the info on the old Pl site. But all might not be lost.
I have an idea for this thing. Later on that idea.
The Series two tuner may me the first prototype? It has the Pl faceplate but Pioneer logos on the back and a sticker on
the bottom in jap writing stating not for resale. No sides on the unit at all and doesn't look like it ever had any.
Again full of dirt since there were not any sides. I had heard a rattle in this piece and when I gave it a shake, out comes
a couple of nuts (acorns). must have been a home for a little critter for awhile.
Ok that was the worst of it. Other than a few edge nicks on the other pieces, (some look pretty fresh by the way) not bad.
The best piece is the Pl-400II. Looks good outside and inside as well. I just took a quick look inside by just removing the small top cover. I had heard a rattle, but it is this inline fuse (?) holder that was just clicking the top cover.
This 400II amp is also a Full Comp. unit and looks to have been serviced not to long ago. I don't want to rush firing this baby up
until I'm ready with the guidance from you guys.