a Happy update, yesterday the "Easter Egg" arrived here! A wholehearted THANK YOU to Alex!
so, yesterday night I've managed to make the holes in the aluminium box and this night I've attached the transparent stickers I've made for it.
I couldn't wait for closing the box and finally give it a listen, so I didn't put too much care at the precision while cutting the stickers (will maybe replace them later because, how it is now, it has a slight "homemade" look, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, though
finally it's on!
Very first impressions confirmed the few recomandations by Alex...
It's better to keep it on and, when you move the bias knob, it needs some time to accomodate to the new setting...
In fact, the first hour and half I've turned it on, I was continuously tweaking the bias knob while listening and it seemed it never sounded right...
Then, I've put back the bias knob at center position and, after a while, I've set half step CCW from center position (referring to the dots I've made around the bias knob) and left it there...
Meanwhile, it was on for a couple hours (not to forget it was off a few days for the shipment) and it started sounding NICE!
At the moment, it's about 3 hours it's on and it seems it's getting better and better (now, while writing, I am finally starting to hear the kind of bass and big sound I've heard for years on those cassettes Alex recorded for me, which I mentioned above at post #8 ).
Anyways, it's still running on a power supply and I need to solder the cables to attach it to the rechargeable battery (some work for tomorrow, now I just want to keep listening to it!).
Of course, still need some time to really appreciate it fully and I still don't know if the bias knob is tuned at the best point for this cartridge at now (most likely not?) but, just at first impressions, I can say I am just HAPPY ....
As a sidenote, I've put the needle on Supertramp's "Crime of the Century" and, just now, the start of the bass and drums near the beginning of "School" is just WOW! It's just THAT sound I had desired to get from my own LP for years!
So, hearing how it's getting better with time, I will definitely keep it always on and can't wait to listen to it again tomorrow!
@A.N.T. : Dear Alex , you are just GREAT and, hey, my whole vinyl collection is telling me to THANK YOU... they never sounded so nice!