A Bad Week


Veteran and General Yakker
Apr 12, 2012
Damn guys, GOD's will from Alabama. Don't see how I can help much but we do have a big driveway and back yard that can fit a caravan/camper. No shit and no charge. Phenix City Alabama 36867 . If needed PM me. Not kidding.
Thanks so much for the offer! Can I bring my horses, dogs, cat and wife? :tongue10:


Veteran and General Yakker
Apr 12, 2012
Dennis I am glad your situation sounds like it is not as peril as yesterday. We went through this last summer with two properties surrounded by fires. Living through this is a live experience one can do without. For thoughs not there Your home being one mile from the fire may be a long way normally but in these fires the reality is it’s only minutes away. We send our best thoughts to you and animals. We will watch what happens and hope no hots spots become active.
Thanks Glen. Things are much better here and at the ranch - with the crazy low humidity, fuel with low moisture and high Santa Ana winds it's still a bit sporty. For those at the tip of the fire we continue to pray for their safety and put our faith in the firefighters ability to defend their homes and property.


Veteran and General Yakker
Apr 12, 2012
I hope you and your neighbours come out of this fire storm unscathed, Dennis. Pretty horrendous to watch how fast that fire has been moving.

Thank you Nando. Our good friends that live in Wheeler Canyon lost their home to the Thomas fire. Fortunately they evacuated their horses and dogs (and themselves) prior to the fires arrival. The fire source was several miles away and it made it to Wheeler in less than two hours. Thankfully there were several boarders at the ranch where our horses are boarded as they helped save the horses and ranch structures. I was at work and did not get my voice mails / phone messages until the fire had surrounded the ranch. By the time I arrived the worst was over but there was still much to be done.


Veteran and General Yakker
Apr 12, 2012
Please take care of yourself Dennis! I used to live down in Thousand Oaks and went thru something similar back in the 60's. It's incredibly frightening and can move with more speed than we imagine. I still have a few friends in T.O. and Ventura. Thinking and praying for everyone!
Fire, mud slide and earth quake seasons are the worst here. The area is spectacular with normally great weather but is has grown so much since we've moved here in the mid 60's that we're rethinking where we want to live out the rest of our years.


Veteran and General Yakker
Apr 12, 2012
A good friend of mine Rob (drummer of the band Cirith Ungol) just told me his house is ok so far in Ventura but his sister's house and drag racing business burnt down in Ojai
I'm glad to hear that Rob's home wasn't burned but it's a major bummer to hear about his sister's predicament. Ojai was surrounded by fire and it was a miracle that the winds did not pick up as predicted. It would not have mattered which direction the wind followed - any wind would have been difficult to face. Thankfully the hawk was mellow and helped the firefighters to save the city from disaster - today. It's not over tho...


Veteran and General Yakker
Apr 12, 2012
Update - 12 23 2017

Here's a short Thomas fire synopsis from my perspective of the world with a few facts interleaved. This is the largest recorded fire in the state with a peak of more than 8,500 firefighters on the front lines. The environmental conditions are crazy, humidity approaching 0%, fuel conditions are far below critical levels, insane wind speeds and tough terrain have hindered the firefighters to control this beast. At its height, the wildfire was powerful enough to generate its own weather, qualifying it as a firestorm. There were periods of time when the fire was advancing at a rate of an acre a second. The strong winds were the largest factor in the spread of the fire. It is approximately 65% contained but there are still three fronts and it has consumed approximately 427 square miles - about 1107 square kilometers of land.

We live in Ventura and our city had the largest loss of homes but thankfully we were about a mile south of the mandatory evacuation zone. Northern Ventura lost the majority of the homes and structures to this fire and unfortunately several of our friends lost their homes. Thankfully all evacuated their properties safely.

My wife and I have two horses and they are boarded in Wheeler Canyon between Santa Paula and Ventura. The fire point source (Steckel Park) is approximately 4.5 miles east from the box canyon where our guys (geldings) live. The fire moved at an amazing speed and arrived at the ranch (Willow Creek Ranch) that I did not have time to traverse the canyon before it was consumed in flames.

Here's a Google map overhead shot of the ranch. It's about 25 plus acres flat with 100 acres or so surrounding steep hills creating the box.


When the fire arrived from the east the remaining horses were walked from their stalls and pasture to the large arena that was once used as a quarter mile Thoroughbred race track. They did not like being led into the fire and one side of the arena fencing burned down. Thankfully the horses did not venture into the downed fence area. We finally made it into the canyon early Tuesday - 5 December - about 12 hours after it started. It was somewhat safe at that time but the drive up the canyon was apocalyptic.

There were four boarders, three owners and one or two workers that helped save the horses and structures of the ranch. They could have left but didn't and it may have saved their lives as one of the two deaths in this fire happened on the first day of the fire. A number of people were evacuating the canyon and the visibility was terrible - I've been told about 10 feet - and one person was involved in an accident and died from a combination of blunt force trama, smoke inhalation and being cooked. We drove past her for a couple of days before her body was discovered.

The fire is still burning but the weather is better so I'm hoping that it will be over before the end of the year.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jun 7, 2017
Alton Mo.
---I run with Scissors
Gosh what an ordeal. I sure hope that was the last of it for you folks this year at least.
Was that a 1/4 mile oval track or straight? It's been a long time since I've seen real quarter horse racing.


Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 13, 2014
Thank you Dennis for the update. I have been thinking of you for the past weeks as my cousin had been evacuated in near by Santa Barbra. They have now returned home after the fire was stopped 1 mile from their home. The situation you are in is most stressful I am sure as I know all to well your worries. We went through 2-1/2 months of fires this summer with two properties getting as close 1 km to the 2,000,000 acres burning. As a result we have sold one as the issues of owning have become so stressful.

Our thoughts and and prayers are with you and until the last hot spot is quenched I do not think you will sleep well. To all Your neibours who have been burned out I hope for the best in recovering.


Veteran and General Yakker
Apr 12, 2012
Gosh what an ordeal. I sure hope that was the last of it for you folks this year at least.
Was that a 1/4 mile oval track or straight? It's been a long time since I've seen real quarter horse racing.
Brad - click on the link in post 28. That gives you a birds eye view of the area and you can see it is quite large. The track - now an arena - is used mostly for jumping but you can build up a good head of steam in there.


Veteran and General Yakker
Apr 12, 2012
Thank you Dennis for the update. I have been thinking of you for the past weeks as my cousin had been evacuated in near by Santa Barbra. They have now returned home after the fire was stopped 1 mile from their home. The situation you are in is most stressful I am sure as I know all to well your worries. We went through 2-1/2 months of fires this summer with two properties getting as close 1 km to the 2,000,000 acres burning. As a result we have sold one as the issues of owning have become so stressful.

Our thoughts and and prayers are with you and until the last hot spot is quenched I do not think you will sleep well. To all Your neibours who have been burned out I hope for the best in recovering.
Hi Glen. Thanks for your concerns. We were very fortunate in this one.

I didn't know you had family in Santa Barbara. I'm happy for them as they are back home. The smoke and ash are terrible in many areas. Santa Barbara, Montecito and Carpinteria were blessed to have several thousand firefighters set up to fight this inferno where they could. Ventura and Santa Paula weren't as fortunate as the fire hit in two to three hours after this thing started so they did not have the man power here yet. On top of that water pressure was lost as pumps were burned and lost power. Can't fight a fire without water.

I've been watching news clips on the BC fires. What a nightmare. You guys have lots of fuel up there and when the trees go it is insane. I'm sorry to hear about the proximity of the fire(s) to your property. I've seen some of your posted photos and the location is beautiful.

Take care.


Veteran and General Yakker
Apr 12, 2012
Fire Video

I thought I'd share these - just found them buried in my emails. The first video gives you a partial view of the fire that surrounded the lower 25 acres of the ranch. Only one structure was lost and 3 head of cattle. The second two vids are of the hay barn burning.


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Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
Navo, either you were calm as f--- or just couldn't do a damn thing about it and were watching in a daze...that was heavy.


Veteran and General Yakker
Apr 12, 2012
Damn that's sad. I thought of you Dennis last Sunday, when I took my eye off of my burn barrel for a couple minutes & about lost my largest barn & maybe house. Scared the crap out of me!
Wow - that burn is close to the barn. How'd you put it out?