400 Relay board conflicts


Chief Journeyman
Apr 26, 2011
Central Ohio
Referring to 400's, it has come to my attention that there is a conflict with the mounting of the relay board in conjunction with the White Oak back planes. The conflict involves the location of the decoupling caps on the back planes which must be bent to allow the relay board to be mounted. Fortunately there is a simple solution which uses standoffs to elevate the relay board above the back planes. Another advantage of using the standoffs allows for flexibility in substitutions of the input RCA jacks.

Future shipments of 400 relay boards will include the standoffs. Using them is optional if the back planes are not installed and there are no conflicts with input jacks. Anyone who has experienced this conflict may send me a PM and I'll mail the standoffs at no cost for domestic U.S. addresses. I'm not going to try to validate the original relay board purchase. Only a weenie would try to get something that they don't have a use for just because it's free. I don't think we allow those types here. If it is urgent or for international addresses, a trip to the local hobby shop may be a better alternative.

The standoff that I purchased is a 4-40 thread, 5/8" long, male/female ends. Mouser 4-40 standoff. They currently show 2 available as I bought all that they had. There are other options that include female/female and round vs. hex. All of them should work. Also, 1/2" length should work. Anything longer than 5/8" will be too long.

George S.

Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 18, 2020
Thanks Don, I appreciate the offer and the link. Think I'll just order some to retrofit my 400s when I place my next Mouser order if I decide I want them. They're fine as is now. Thanks.
May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
Blame the OCD-ers like me. I could have ignored it. It doesn't affect the amp working in ANY way. It's just a neatness issue. And yeah...the OCD is a problem. I'll probably end up dying on that mountain one day.........


New Around These Parts
Aug 17, 2024
Rhode Island
Older than I act, younger than I look
For anyone who orders a blank board to build the Watts Abundant relay board (DC Protection, aka "DCP"), you need to make some corrections to the BOM before ordering your parts from Mouser:
  • The BOM shows 2 relays to be ordered. For the PL400, only 1 relay is needed (Component K1)
  • Add 4 standoffs to your order (1 for each binding post). Mouser part number 728-FC4536-440-A, 1/4" hex 5/8" length aluminum spacers 440 thread M/F. This will lift the DCP high enough to clear the caps on the backplane board.
  • If you are installing the WOPL backplane boards, you do not use the Zobel R/C network. Translation: you don't need to order or install R1, R2, C8, and C9
If you ordered the board pre-built and are installing it with the WOPL backplane boards, you need to remove R1, R2, C8 and C9 from the board.

The 400 DCP board uses an integrated circuit that is not readily available, so the chip is shipped with the board. But there is no indication of how to orient the IC on the board. The secret is to look for the bevel on the top edge of the chip. The beveled side faces C5, C4 (there is no other indication how the chip is oriented on the board).


Chief Journeyman
Apr 26, 2011
Central Ohio
The web site is outdated. It was converted from an Earthlink account to WordPress. I haven't yet taken the time to learn WordPress. Retirement should help that.

To clarify, the 700 does call out 2 relays. The 400 has 1.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
The web site is outdated. It was converted from an Earthlink account to WordPress. I haven't yet taken the time to learn WordPress. Retirement should help that.

To clarify, the 700 does call out 2 relays. The 400 has 1.
YOU!! My good man SHALL NOT be cast or given the benefit of the doubt!!! You've only got two other jobs besides the hobby relay boards!!!! Fer gods sakes man, get your priorities STRAIGHT!!!


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Yeah, and i love the little guy, we had fun when he was up a couple years ago...


Jan 25, 2019
Fort Worth, TX USA
My race is almost run.
The web site is outdated. It was converted from an Earthlink account to WordPress. I haven't yet taken the time to learn WordPress. Retirement should help that.

To clarify, the 700 does call out 2 relays. The 400 has 1.
I just started working on a WordPress site I "inherited" from some other folks and feel your pain. There were a number of bits and pieces I needed to add to the "plugins" to get my job done efficiently, one of which was a "WPCode" plugin that allowed me to insert scripts into headers and footers, the other being a global search and replace plug-in.

I would like to purchase a DCP from you to install in the PL-400 Series II I recently acquired. Since I kind of jumped into this thread, I will email you with my questions.


Chief Journeyman
Apr 26, 2011
Central Ohio
Yeah, and i love the little guy, we had fun when he was up a couple years ago...
We had a few pops the first night which left me a little sore the next day. After making the rounds on day 2 we stopped at the golf course to fix a shabby connection on the irrigation pump. It felt like I had been working with Lee for 30 years.