Search results

  1. derek92994

    Denon DR-M4

    Finally received this after a 9 day wait. Gave it a head clean and demagnetize (was clean anyway). Am testing it with a few tapes recorded in my JVC, the sound is magical, much better than the JVC playback wise (better OP amps in this unit) its good to know that this Denon is compatible with...
  2. derek92994

    Yamaha K-560

    Another deck brought back from the dead. Received with gooey melted belts. Put some spares on, cleaned all mechanism, idlers etc. Idler drive clutch is lacking torque for proper ff/rew, but will wind most cassettes. Azimuth re-aligned, demagnetized heads, Speed adjusted, take up reel torque is...
  3. derek92994

    Post a Picture of your Cassette Heads/Mechanisms

    I'm always interested in the style of head block/mechanisms within Cassette Decks. Have gathered up pictures of most of my decks. It would be really cool to see others pics of their head/roller configurations. I get the best result by shining a torch inside the head well of the deck at the same...
  4. derek92994

    Denon DR-230

    Picked this gem up recently for next to nothing. I don't see much info on the net about it, but it sounds great and has a good transport system. Gave it a service and is functioning perfectly. I really like the denon sound, and the led VU meters are some of the best I have seen, fast responding...
  5. derek92994

    Phase Linear 200 Series 2 on loan

    George (Bobbysdad) has been so kind to loan me a Phase Linear 200 Series II, my first taste of a PL amp. Have just hooked it up and am listening to Mr Bungle's "Disco Volante" through it which has some interesting dynamics. I'm using my Pioneer VSX-9500s as a pre-amp. Sounds great so far, very...
  6. derek92994

    Pioneer CT-330 & Nak BX-1

    George (Bobbysdad) was so kind to donate a couple of decks to me that needed attention. The pioneer was very important to me as it was the first decent deck I used at the age of 6 (my uncle owned one), was blown away about the music search as this was the first time I had seen this feature in a...
  7. derek92994

    JBL 4311b Studio Monitors

    Just acquired these yesterday, over 300kms of travel was well worth it. Have never heard sound quality like this coming from my Pioneer 9500s amp. They have been refinished in white and the crossovers upgraded with clarity capacitors. Tweeters and mids have been replaced, I still have 1 of the...
  8. derek92994

    Alpine and other car decks from recycling market

    Have picked these up over the past few weeks for $3 each. I always like to have a stash of spares since tape is my preferred format in the car. The JVC KS-FX385 and Sony XR-C5100 are awaiting wiring harnesses which I have on order from overseas before I can test them. The Kenwood KRC-370...
  9. derek92994

    Yamaha CDC-775 Pro Bit 5 CD Changer

    Picked up some more goodies from the recycling market on friday. Its a ritual to go there and have a look each week, I always think I will find nothing, but am pleasantly surprised most times. Lately people have been chucking a lot of car cassette decks out, and I am very surprised how many of...
  10. derek92994

    Baby Yamaha KX-150 and Big Yamaha KX-530

    Hey all I had this little Yamaha KX-150 donated to me the other day in return for a favor. Not thinking much of it I put it aside for a while and got it out the other day to power it up for a few basic tests. The speed was a little slow so I warmed the deck up and adjusted it using my test tone...
  11. derek92994

    Derek's Speaker Series/Parallell/Impedance Quandry

    That's the spirit, the neighbor has kittens with the current pioneer amps I have, imagine what's going to happen with the PL :toothy10: Will it run stable at 4 ohms if I add fans?
  12. derek92994

    Nakamichi 480 (I've been a bad boy!)

    Ok this is how it goes, I'm saving up for another audio item and I promised myself I would not spend anything on audio gear until seeing THIS. Damn it, I could not resist. A Nakamichi 480 2 head, dual capstan (with pressure pad lifter!) cassette deck for $70. Just got a back payment from...
  13. derek92994

    Teac V-670 Humming Sound

    I have recently acquired a Teac V-670 3 head deck which has a humming/buzzing sound during playback (tape mode) or when monitor is switched to source mode. If I unplug the head wires for rec/play the hum/buzz is still there. I don't know where to start to be honest. There is some factory glue...
  14. derek92994

    Sanyo RD 5030

    Picked up this relic for $5, was headed for the metal recyclers. Usual symptoms, tired belts, filthy tape path, dried grease. Got to work on it and have a reasonable result now. There was 1 belt broken which turns the "thingy" that invokes auto-stop when the reels stop in play/ff/rew, because it...
  15. derek92994

    Alpine MDA 5051 3x Minidisc Car Changer

    Got this paired up with the Alpine TDA-7552E Head unit, working well. This system will stay in the car for a long time. I have had the MD changer for 4 years but have been unable to use it because I could not find an Ai-Net capable head unit to drive it. Video demo here...
  16. derek92994

    Alpine TDA-7552E for $5

    Got lucky, scored an alpine full logic deck for $5 from the dump market. Why people throw such valuable units out has got me beat. This thing can also control my 3x minidisc Alpine changer/stacker, have had that for 4 years and been unable to use until now. The RCA leads had been cut off, as...
  17. derek92994

    Hello from Australia

    Hey guys I heard of this forum on and have decided to join. The tape/audio obsession has really taken off with me in the past 6 months (although I never really stopped, just slowed for a while, it all started with a t-rex tape when I was 4 years old) anyways back in full swing and...