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  1. Lazarus Short

    DENON DP 1500 FOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Double-wall is good, but have any of you ever seen triple-ply? I have sat in chairs made of the stuff, and once built a pair of LP cabinets out of some. It was a project I did in a cardboard carpentry workshop.
  2. Lazarus Short

    Advise Needed - Gain Pot and Deoxit

    I like the blue acoustic panel!
  3. Lazarus Short

    Our Brains Have More in Common With Testicles Than You Ever Wanted to Know

    Yes, I read the article, but that thread title is a hoot!
  4. Lazarus Short

    Advise Needed - Gain Pot and Deoxit

    I'm glad to see that my off-the-cuff idea was sound...and I just realized that I'm now an amp up from yesterday! Yay!!
  5. Lazarus Short

    Advise Needed - Gain Pot and Deoxit

    An update: All was good for a while, and then the amp was up to its old tricks, that is to say, no sound or intermittent sound. Crank it up, and suddenly...sound. Not good on speakers, however. It sat unused for many weeks. Over the past few days, I've been thinking the relay next to the...
  6. Lazarus Short

    Greetings from upstate NY - have owned the same Dual 500 the past 4 decades...

    Yes, I visited Independence Audio a time or two when it was in the basement of a house, and have visited the new location, on 23rd street near highway 291, several times. I live several blocks south of it. Be aware that every other audio store in the KC metro from those days, has closed down...
  7. Lazarus Short

    Greetings from upstate NY - have owned the same Dual 500 the past 4 decades...

    Dave, I remember Kemper Arena, though I've never been inside. I remember Bircain Apartments, though there are a slew of them in town nowadays. Whatever - welcome to the forum!
  8. Lazarus Short

    We went "Under Contract" this morning

    Well, that's a deep subject (pun intended). I recall a family I knew back in my West Plains days - they operated a camp west of town and it was built by the CCC way back when. I was told that the well, with six-inch output pipe, was drilled to sea level - the camp is about a thousand feet in...
  9. Lazarus Short

    Greetings from Texas

    Yes, it's "Mi-zourah" to me (not to everyone in the State), but I like to crack that little joke.
  10. Lazarus Short

    Greetings from Texas

    Well, not all of us, though I did once own a PL 2000 preamp and liked it. For some reason I have a hard time holding on to preamps. I'm kind of an outlier in this forum...but never an out liar. Anyway, welcome from Missouri (pronounced "Misery")!
  11. Lazarus Short


    Lee, I checked the dimensions (18x18x44) so they should fit, especially if the top units come off. I missed this before: "He's getting the measurements now. The cones in the back seat and the cabs in the trunk?" I'm thinking cabs in the back seat, and cones in the trunk, but on loading that...
  12. Lazarus Short


    Lee, it's an easy cruise, 203 miles and three hours, one way. Barb and I agree that the trip is feasible. Keep me updated. Do you have Independence to Gillette covered? From here, it's 852 miles, 11 hours. If you have others working on pickup, it might be best to go with them, but...
  13. Lazarus Short

    We went "Under Contract" this morning

    Minnesota winters...
  14. Lazarus Short


    That does make it easier. The VMPS speakers that we (barely) stuffed into the Volvo measure 43 inches tall, 15 inches wide and 16 inches deep. Do you think a fit is possible? Would it help if I only brought them as far as Independence??
  15. Lazarus Short


    Yeah, but I'm not FedEx: "Sorry Lee, but the speakers were stolen from the car while gassing up in Carthage...sorry."
  16. Lazarus Short


    I might consider it - northwest Arkansas is fairly easy to get to from here, just a nice cruise down 71 highway (the one they now call "I-49"). But I'm not sure the speakers would fit in the Volvo, though Barb, I and a helper managed to stuff a pair of VMPS towers in it. Maybe I'll measure the...
  17. Lazarus Short

    This is the headlines of what our country has become.

    I propose the country be renamed "The Untied States of America."
  18. Lazarus Short

    This is the headlines of what our country has become.

    "Kyle Rittenhouse sobbing shows what's wrong with America"
  19. Lazarus Short


    I can still hear a pin drop, and I don't want some smart ass asking me if I meant a bowling pin...