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  1. Lazarus Short

    I Killed My Cyrus Today

    It took some probing, some prep, some soldering - but it works! The sound is glorious, and it's making music in my shop system as I type this. The main system is next. Thank you, Lee, for your words of encouragement! The preamp section (not the dead phono section) was already recapped with...
  2. Lazarus Short

    what are you listening to?

    I'm listening to an Irish band - Old Blind Dogs. Yeah, I have albums by bands most folks have never heard of, some of them quite good. Maybe I'll post a list of them sometime... EDIT: No, they're Scottish. Hard to tell sometimes.
  3. Lazarus Short

    I Killed My Cyrus Today

    Yes, I have a meter.
  4. Lazarus Short

    I Killed My Cyrus Today

    UPDATE - I'm considering converting the Cyrus into a preamp. I put it on the bench today and looked it over. Like the original pot on the Arcam, the gain pot is a small thing, connecting to the circuit board via six solder lugs. One side is labeled "left" and the other "right." Can I simply...
  5. Lazarus Short

    Arm resonance - the anal way

    I took the easy way out - bought a direct-drive, linear-tracking T4P turntable. No worries...
  6. Lazarus Short

    Music at -60 db know, or the volume is encoded...or not?
  7. Lazarus Short

    Music at -60 db

    I don't know if the volume is encoded in the ones and zeroes or not - anybody know?
  8. Lazarus Short

    Music at -60 db

    OK, when I run the volume up on most CD's, it usually takes some cranking to hear the music...that is, if I remembered to turn the power amp on. On this particular CD, I got music that I could hear just going from -61 db to -60 db. Are you on your third cup now?
  9. Lazarus Short

    Music at -60 db

    I got a CD in the mail yesterday from ebay - Tapani Varis, NSD 6011. I just have this goal to collect NorthSide Digital's entire catalog, and have 30 CD's to go. This particular CD is not likely to ever become a favorite, as it is Jew's harp music, but I did find this out: my preamp has a...
  10. Lazarus Short

    Hello from Oklahoma!

    Friendly faces, but widely scattered. The closest member to me (that I know of) is five hours away by car, and that does not include pit stops.
  11. Lazarus Short

    Hello from Oklahoma!

    Welcome - I see you've got it BAD. I fiddle around with "lesser" amps, but I respect PL owners.
  12. Lazarus Short

    Telarc's 1812 Overture

    I have the LP, have seen the grooves...and I NEVER play the cannon shots. Fear. Anxiety. Stress. It is the one place where I'm fully convinced the CD version does a better job - while the LP version distorts badly, the CD version just communicates the full transient power of the cannon shots.
  13. Lazarus Short

    Denon SL-5DFF - Do you know anything about this tt?

    I notice from the photo that it's made for 50 Hz operation - could be a problem.
  14. Lazarus Short

    Denon SL-5DFF - Do you know anything about this tt?

    The "Denon" on the plinth looks odd, not like it usually appears. What voltage do they run on?
  15. Lazarus Short


    Welcome...from western Missouri! Hoping you post a lot.
  16. Lazarus Short

    What other vintage favorites do you guys like?

    Scrounger that I am, I tend to use whatever I can find especially if it is a good deal. With that said, Denon electronics and Mission speakers are prominent. Luxman and B&W in the office system. Arcam and Yamaha in the shop system. Denon/Marantz/Proton/Vandersteen in the main system. I...
  17. Lazarus Short

    We went "Under Contract" this morning

    Looks to be the worst possible weather to move in. My best friend told me he once moved out of a third-story apartment in Minneapolis when the wind chill was minus sixty - he said it damn near ruined his knees.
  18. Lazarus Short

    New Music and Music Genres

    I'm a big fan of Stan Rogers. Heard this today, and thought to post it for Lee.