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  1. Gibsonian

    I'm in love - Sansui 990DB

    I liked every Samsun I ever owned
  2. Gibsonian

    Tri amping and protecting the tweeter

    Well worth the effort. Easy to hear the difference
  3. Gibsonian

    Tri amping and protecting the tweeter

    She’s wired direct. So far so good
  4. Gibsonian

    Tri amping and protecting the tweeter

    I already have the capacitor and wish to remove it.
  5. Gibsonian

    Tri amping and protecting the tweeter

    Have triamped for many years and have veered from this only when lacking a working crossover in the past 20 or so years. Every time I've always placed a capacitor in front of the tweeter to protect it. I would like to try without this phase shifting resistive dc blocker in the pathway. I...
  6. Gibsonian

    Passive Horizontal Bi-Amping question

    So the cross will be at 400 for biamping. The crossover in front of the mids and tweets will help consume some power but still the bass amp will be doing most of work. Be interesting to see if this improves the sound for you.
  7. Gibsonian

    Passive Horizontal Bi-Amping question

    Yes, not close. 400 will be coasting in the top spot. Where do those speakers cross Perry?
  8. Gibsonian

    Passive Horizontal Bi-Amping question

    Thanks for straightening me out Joe. This is quite convenient for the passive bi amper
  9. Gibsonian

    Passive Horizontal Bi-Amping question

    Isn’t the input to achieve full power the same on both the 400 and 700?
  10. Gibsonian

    Old, untouched, unmolested.

    Yep I like
  11. Gibsonian

    Old, untouched, unmolested.

    Set bias added little lil bypass caps and she’s running highs. For sure improvent over the MX1000. Living in WOPL Phase Nation here
  12. Gibsonian

    Old, untouched, unmolested.

    Will be cool to have the 700 (full WOPL) on the woofs, 400 (full WOPL) on the mids and 300 on the tweets. Full on Phase and White Oak setup. One day the big Model One. I only listened full range when I tried the 300 on another system. But the highs seemed quite good.
  13. Gibsonian

    Old, untouched, unmolested.

    Mine will run the tweeters in the triamp setup. I think it might be better stock than current amp in there, a Yamaha MX1000
  14. Gibsonian

    Old, untouched, unmolested.

    Lee left and right are left and right. Stock amp sounds very good
  15. Gibsonian

    Old, untouched, unmolested.

    Same issue here but only deformation of cans, no puncture. I loosened clamps and slid the caps 1/8” just to miss screws.
  16. Gibsonian

    Old, untouched, unmolested.

    Eventually I will. This un like zero dc offset barely had to adjust the bias. Gonna listen like 1982 for a bit
  17. Gibsonian

    Old, untouched, unmolested.

    Found it on Hifi Engine
  18. Gibsonian

    Old, untouched, unmolested.

    Such good condition think I'll set the bias and offset and let her rip to see how it sounds stock. Anyone have the service manual?
  19. Gibsonian

    The White Oak Audio Model 1 Cabbage Case Thread

    Dodged a bullet here, good deal. Hope to hear some feedback from ya Lee on the new amp. Congratulations!
  20. Gibsonian

    Model ONE Build - S/N 0005 & 0006

    Thanks Lee