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  1. Gibsonian

    New PL400 Full WOPL Build

  2. Gibsonian

    New PL400 Full WOPL Build

    Clean as a whistle build, looks fantastic.
  3. Gibsonian

    Another sad day for music. Gary Rossington has passed

    Only one left. Big Skynyrd fan here. Talented and extremely tight bunch. Them and the Scorpions tightest bands I've ever heard live. They both took their practice seriously and it showed in their performances. Some real highs and real lows inside that Skynyrd history. RIP Gary.
  4. Gibsonian

    Gasoline prices Skyrocketing!

    On the list of scamming industries, gas and diesel sales to consumer is one of the worst, or best if you on the right side of it. Any excuse, anytime to ensure huge profits. It sure makes many folks quite wealthy. Hell the new Bonesaw golf tourney is enriching all of the newly joined...
  5. Gibsonian

    I just purchased a PL 400 Series 2 amp but have 85 volts AC on output with no input

    85 volts on output sounds like a blown output transistor or two.
  6. Gibsonian

    Thicker PL400 faceplate with new analog meters...

    What is length and width of meters?
  7. Gibsonian

    Thicker PL400 faceplate with new analog meters...

    Big beautiful well lit and ultra responsive meters, how do you say no?
  8. Gibsonian

    Anybody ever have a Cart Re-Tipped?

    I've heard good things about Needlestein. I think if I ever need help in this area I would contact him first. He used to be on AK but something happened there, not sure what.
  9. Gibsonian

    JBL 4 Way Build Questions

    Ok, doesn't sound too bad. I've refoamed many, so seems it would be not alot different for me to do.
  10. Gibsonian

    JBL 4 Way Build Questions

    Late to this thread but sure looks good Mohawk. Parallel, for sure, cross at 300 or above, for sure. Plenty of headroom with two of them per side, 104 dB on paper efficiency. Guessing it will sound quite nice. I have a pair of these I was saving for a project, how easy was the recone?
  11. Gibsonian

    Inside the nuclear fusion breakthrough that could be a step to unlimited clean energy in the distant future

    Looks to me like this fusion and fission stuff is old hat to that cute youngster.....
  12. Gibsonian

    I quit my job!

    Damn, you do have a ways to go sounds like. Oh well, you got this Jim!
  13. Gibsonian

    I quit my job!

    Congrats Jim. Thought you might be done, but mo money and better conditions ain't bad either
  14. Gibsonian

    Hi from Loosyanna (Louisiana)

    Welcome to Phoenix Ronnie
  15. Gibsonian

    Shout out from MN

    Welcome! Also, Go Vikes!
  16. Gibsonian

    Good price on Acurus L10

    Ugly works for me, listening to the modded L10 right now. I'm in the sound business here, not into jewelry and fashion!
  17. Gibsonian

    Update on my phono preamp:

    I bought a couple too, set aside for someday when time appears.
  18. Gibsonian

    Happy Birthday Nando

    Happy belated Bday Nando
  19. Gibsonian

    Remembering Otis Redding

    Love Otis's music. I guess I didn't realize how young he was
  20. Gibsonian

    Crown DC300 v. PL400 and PL700 pricing

    I believe you may have something to do with this Joe