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  1. Michael F

    BIG problems

    That would have taken care of all the electrolytics, with nice caps too. Were those values altered as well? But if one were to change only one cap it would be C6. I`ll put the new ones in along with the diodes. While not Muse, they must be better than whats in there now I suppose.
  2. Michael F

    BIG problems

    Here you is
  3. Michael F

    BIG problems

    How can one tell? It was difficult enough to find a 25 volter, any bigger and the leads would`nt go through the PCB and the cap would take up too much board real estate as well. The one I bought seems garden variety, should I leave the old one in?
  4. Michael F

    BIG problems

    C6 mod I`m replacing C6 with a 470uf/25v and 2 1N4148. With regards to the "back to back" placement of diodes across cap, that would be the 2 in parallel, anode/cathode together on one end and cathode/anode and not the 2 in series i.e. ACCA or CAAC correct?
  5. Michael F

    BIG problems

  6. Michael F

    BIG problems

    Star grounding I`ll begin this next phase (pardon the pun:) ) with a new grounding scheme. My interpretation of Gepetto`s diagram is as follows: *Buss bar to center terminal of Left channel backside terminal strip *Left channel center terminal to center terminal of Right channel backside...
  7. Michael F

    BIG problems

    I already have received the semi`s. I originally had 410 but one is blown. He also sent 4 small polypro caps to be used "in the event of HF oscillation" Here are some email exchanges: Me Hi again, Thanks for clearing that up. The caps are little blue poly`s .33, 1kv. They came 4 to a...
  8. Michael F

    BIG problems

    A gentlemen from Blackwood NJ, EBay handle Qua-co.
  9. Michael F

    BIG problems

    This is the sellers reply: "I use MJ15024 and mj21196 transistors exclusively for Phase products as they have the highest voltage and SOA ratings needed for the Quasi output stage. Using the 024 for the driver transistors is a little over kill(MJ15022 would be good enough)but I buy 500...
  10. Michael F

    BIG problems

    Plan "B" arrived this morning, complete but I don't understand why all 24 TO-3s are MJ15024 :confused2: what's up with that? Are those drivers or outputs? Something tells me they cant be both. I sent the supplier the same question. I`ll check out the driver board semi`s next..
  11. Michael F

    BIG problems

    Damn shame indeed, gives the term "snail mail" a whole new meaning, if it ever does arrive. Meanwhile, plan B ought to get here in a matter of days. It too, fell off the USPS/Canada Post radar just the other day...:-( I`m beginning to think that I wasn't ever meant to be a Phase Linear owner...
  12. Michael F

    Are these prices for real?

    Here is another one up to $700 with 2 days of bidding left. Nice example though, any bets on the final price?:)
  13. Michael F

    BIG problems

    Hi guys Just wanted to update the thread after a couple of weeks of inactivity. Unfortunately, it`s still status quo as I have not yet received the C.A.R.E. package Lee so graciously sent out . I`m beginning to think it`s MIA, which would be a damn shame :(:sad2:
  14. Michael F

    BIG problems

    LOL. They are probably trying to figure out WTF all that stuff is. Reminds me of the time I was crossing into the US and the Homeland Security officers took a particular interest in a TO3 packaged LM317 that I have on my key ring :?
  15. Michael F

    BIG problems

    All right then. I`m pretty sure the driver and output transistors Lee is sending over are worthy of your confidence :) So if I understand the initial power up process correctly, with B+/- fuses replaced with 200R resistors and a 40w bulb, working one channel at a time: Turn amp on with...
  16. Michael F

    BIG problems

    Thanks guys. Gepetto, will your 200R method work without a variac? I`ve been using a 40 watt bulb for testing, is that adequate? Would only one wattage be required?
  17. Michael F

    BIG problems

    Hi Lee, I haven't received CARE package yet :sad: I`m hoping it will arrive shortly. I had to put the amp away in the meantime, all 100 pieces of it because I live in a small 4-1/2 room condo and had to use the kitchen table as a workbench. When the package does arrive, I think I`ll start...
  18. Michael F

    BIG problems

    Greetings Oh Knowledgeable Master of All Things Phase Linear! While eagerly anticipating the arrival of the Wyoming sourced CARE package, I`m reviewing notes and re-reading all posts to date, and there are many, reading up on the star point grounding scheme and biasing procedure etc...
  19. Michael F

    BIG problems

    Where are those 10R bias resistors?
  20. Michael F

    BIG problems

    Thanks, thanks and thanks once more. And now for something completely different: what are your thoughts on bypass capacitors on the filter caps?