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  1. grapplesaw

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  2. grapplesaw


    I’d sure like to see this run through some test gear. Kind of goes against the grain and your hearing may be a lot different than mine. Larger cap on the output is usually better dynamic not smaller one. The resistor is only a dampener of sorts . You can find Joe had done a good write up on...
  3. grapplesaw

    Another vendor bites the dust, order while you can

    George directed me to this site today only to find My $50 order turned into $200 but what will we do when all these guys are gone ALL ELECTRONICS IS GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Clearance Sale in Progress After 56 years supplying surplus and new electronic parts and supplies, we have decided to call...
  4. grapplesaw


    Having done this experiment several times on Carvers using brown dog adapters and opa2134 chips I have gone back to installing new RC4136’s In the phono and main drive circuits only No measurable sound difference or in noise floor measuring on the AP. I’ll be interested in your results
  5. grapplesaw

    700 Series II Build

    I guess I need to unpackage the two I bought a while back and get up to date Joe. Keep up the good work
  6. grapplesaw

    700 Series II Build

    You have nailed it. I have verified with my Audio Precision that bundling them lowers noise and everything else. keep then together and as far from the op amps as possible. Raising the control board 1/2” helps as well
  7. grapplesaw

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  8. grapplesaw

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  9. grapplesaw

    Conspiracy Theorists Think a Flame-throwing Helicopter Started the Canadian Wildfires

    Living in the land of raging forest fires the real culprit is lightening. Had to put two lighting strikes out in May a mile from the lake house the real problem is the pansy’s in office waffling about instead of taking action and slowing the fire crews to go attack fires when they start if you...
  10. grapplesaw

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  11. grapplesaw

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  12. grapplesaw

    Hi from LaConner, wa

    Welcome I’m in Vancouver BC area
  13. grapplesaw

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  14. grapplesaw

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    Most Canadian beers are 5-6% but some are 7-8%
  15. grapplesaw

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    I wasn’t drinking it
  16. grapplesaw

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    Perry’s green is defiantly his trade mark My bad Please forgive
  17. grapplesaw

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    im going to patent this
  18. grapplesaw

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  19. grapplesaw

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